

By default, PyVBMC assumes that the first argument to VBMC is a function which returns the log-joint (i.e., the sum of log-likelihood and log-prior). However, you may instead pass a function which returns the log-likelihood as a first argument, and supply the prior separately. Using the keyword log_prior, you may pass a function (of a single argument) which returns the log-density of the prior given a point:

vbmc = VBMC(log_likelihood, x0, lb, ub, plb, pub, log_prior=log_prior_function)

Alternatively, using the keyword prior, you may pass one of the following:

  1. a PyVBMC prior imported from pyvbmc.priors that matches the dimension of the model,

  2. an appropriate continuous scipy.stats distribution that matches the dimension of the model, or

  3. a list of univariate (i.e., one-dimensional) PyVBMC priors and/or continuous scipy.stats distributions, which are treated as independent priors for each parameter $theta_{i}$. In this case the length of the list should equal the dimension of the model.

vbmc = VBMC(log_likelihood, x0, lb, ub, plb, pub, prior=UniformBox(0, 1, D=2))
vbmc = VBMC(log_likelihood, x0, lb, ub, plb, pub, prior=scipy.stats.multivariate_normal(mu, cov))
vbmc = VBMC(log_likelihood, x0, lb, ub, plb, pub, prior=[UniformBox(0, 1), scipy.stats.norm()])

For more details on (1), see the documentation below as well as PyVBMC Example 5: Prior distributions. For more details on (2), (3), and using a function as a log_prior, see the documentation on SciPy priors, Product priors, and UserFunction priors below. (keyword arguments of these types will be converted to instances of these classes).

Prior base class#

These methods are common to all of the subclasses that follow.

class pyvbmc.priors.Prior[source]#

Abstract base class for PyVBMC prior distributions.

log_pdf(x, keepdims=True)[source]#

Compute the log-pdf of the distribution.


The array of input point(s), of dimension (D,) or (n, D), where d is the distribution dimension.


Whether to keep the input dimensions and return an array of shape (1, D), or discard them and return an array of shape (D,).


The log-density of the prior at the input point(s), of dimension (n, 1) or (n,) (depending on keepdims).

pdf(x, keepdims=True)[source]#

Compute the pdf of the distribution.


The array of input point(s), of dimension (D,) or (n, D), where D is the distribution dimension.


Whether to keep the input dimensions and return an array of shape (1, D), or discard them and return an array of shape (D,).


The density of the prior at the input point(s), of dimension (n, 1) or (n,) (depending on keepdims).

abstract sample(n)[source]#

Sample random variables from the distribution.


The number of points to sample.


The samples points, of shape (n, D), where D is the dimension.


Returns the support of the distribution.

Used to test that the distribution integrates to one, so it is also acceptable to return a box which bounds the support of the distribution.

lb, ubtuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray)

A tuple of lower and upper bounds of the support, such that [lb[i], ub[i]] bounds the support of the ith marginal.

Bounded priors#


class pyvbmc.priors.UniformBox(a, b, D=None)[source]#

Multivariate uniform-box prior.

A prior distribution represented by box of uniform dimension, with lower bound(s) a and upper bound(s) b.


The dimension of the prior distribution.


The lower bound(s), shape (1, D).


The upper bound(s), shape (1, D).

__init__(a, b, D=None)[source]#

Initialize a multivariate uniform-box prior.

anp.ndarray | float

The lower bound(s), shape (D,) where D is the dimension (parameters of type float will be tiled to this shape).

bnp.ndarray | float

The upper bound(s), shape (D,) where D is the dimension (parameters of type float will be tiled to this shape).


If a[i] >= b[i], for any i.


class pyvbmc.priors.Trapezoidal(a, u, v, b, D=None)[source]#

Multivariate trapezoidal prior.

A prior distribution represented by a density with external bounds a and b and internal points u and v. Each marginal distribution has a trapezoidal density which is uniform between u[i] and v[i] and falls of linearly to zero at a[i] and b[i]:

        |       ________       |
        |      /|      |\      |
p(X(i)) |     / |      | \     |
        |    /  |      |  \    |
          a[i] u[i]  v[i] b[i]

The overall density is a product of these marginals.


The dimension of the prior distribution.


The lower bound(s), shape (1, D).


The lower pivot(s), shape (1, D).


The upper pivot(s), shape (1, D).


The upper bound(s), shape (1, D).

__init__(a, u, v, b, D=None)[source]#

Initialize a multivariate trapezoidal prior.

anp.ndarray | float

The lower bound(s), shape (D,) where D is the dimension (parameters of type float will be tiled to this shape).

unp.ndarray | float

The lower pivot(s), shape (D,) where D is the dimension (parameters of type float will be tiled to this shape).

vnp.ndarray | float

The upper pivot(s), shape (D,) where D is the dimension (parameters of type float will be tiled to this shape).

bnp.ndarray | float

The upper bound(s), shape (D,) where D is the dimension (parameters of type float will be tiled to this shape).

Dint, optional

The distribution dimension. If given, will convert scalar a, u, v, and b to this dimension.


If the order a[i] < u[i] < v[i] < b[i] is not respected, for any i.


class pyvbmc.priors.SplineTrapezoidal(a, u, v, b, D=None)[source]#

Multivariate spline-trapezoidal prior.

A prior distribution represented by a density with external bounds a and b and internal points u and v. Each marginal distribution has a spline-trapezoidalal density which is uniform between u[i] and v[i] and falls of as a cubic spline to zero a[i] and b[i], such that the pdf is continuous and its derivatives at a[i], u[i], v[i], and b[i] are zero (so the derivatives are also continuous):

        |      __________      |
        |     / |      | \     |
p(X(i)) |    |  |      |  |    |
        |    |  |      |  |    |
          a[i] u[i]  v[i] b[i]

The overall density is a product of these marginals.


The dimension of the prior distribution.


The lower bound(s), shape (1, D).


The lower pivot(s), shape (1, D).


The upper pivot(s), shape (1, D).


The upper bound(s), shape (1, D).

__init__(a, u, v, b, D=None)[source]#

Initialize a multivariate trapezoidal prior.

anp.ndarray | float

The lower bound(s), shape (D,) where D is the dimension (parameters of type float will be tiled to this shape).

unp.ndarray | float

The lower pivot(s), shape (D,) where D is the dimension (parameters of type float will be tiled to this shape).

vnp.ndarray | float

The upper pivot(s), shape (D,) where D is the dimension (parameters of type float will be tiled to this shape).

bnp.ndarray | float

The upper bound(s), shape (D,) where D is the dimension (parameters of type float will be tiled to this shape).

Dint, optional

The distribution dimension. If given, will convert scalar a, u, v, and b to this dimension.


If the order a[i] < u[i] < v[i] < b[i] is not respected, for any i.

Unbounded priors#


class pyvbmc.priors.SmoothBox(a, b, scale=1, D=None)[source]#

Multivariate smooth-box prior.

For each dimension i, the univariate smooth-box pdf is defined as a uniform distribution between pivots a[i], b[i] with Gaussian tails that fall starting from p(a[i]) to the left (resp., p(b[i]) to the right) with standard deviation scale[i].


The dimension of the prior distribution.


The lower pivot(s), shape (1, D).


The upper pivot(s), shape (1, D).


The standard deviation of the Gaussian tails, shape (1, D).

__init__(a, b, scale=1, D=None)[source]#

Initialize a multivariate smooth-box prior.

anp.ndarray | float

The lower pivot(s), shape (D,) where D is the dimension (parameters of type float will be tiled to this shape).

bnp.ndarray | float

The upper pivot(s), shape (D,) where D is the dimension (parameters of type float will be tiled to this shape).


The standard deviation of the Gaussian tails, shape (D,) where D is the dimension (parameters of type float will be tiled to this shape).


If scale[i] <= 0 or if a[i] >= b[i], for any i.

Other priors and functions#

Product priors#

When a user passes a list of Prior instances or scipy.stats distributions, they are converted to a Product prior with a corresponding marginal distributions for each item in the list.

class pyvbmc.priors.Product(marginals)[source]#

A prior which is an product of independent univariate priors.


The dimension of the product distribution.


The underlying marginal prior distribution(s).


Initialize a Product prior from a list of marginal priors.

marginalslist of pyvbmc.priors.Prior

The underlying marginal prior distribution(s). Each must have dimension 1.


If the provided marginals are not a list, or if they are not all PyVBMC priors or appropriate SciPy distributions.


If the provided marginals are not all univariate.

SciPy priors#

To standardize the interface, when a user provides a scipy.stats distribution as a prior, it is wrapped in a SciPy prior distribution

class pyvbmc.priors.SciPy(distribution)[source]#

Wrapper class for scipy.stats distributions.


The dimension of the prior distribution.

distributionscipy.stats._multivariate.multivariate_normal_frozen or scipy.stats._multivariate.multivariate_t_frozen or scipy.stats._distn_infrastructure.rv_continuous_frozen

The underlying scipy.stats distributions.


Initialize pyvbmc.priors.Prior from scipy.stats distribution(s).

distributionscipy.stats.multivariate_normal or scipy.stats.multivariate_t or scipy.stats.rv_continuous The underlying scipy.stats distributions. Should be a

multivariate normal distribution, a multivariate t distribution, or a univariate continuous distribution (for 1-D models).


If the provided distribution is not of the appropriate type.

UserFunction priors#

To standardize the interface, when a user provides a function as a log-prior it is wrapped in a UserPrior class.

class pyvbmc.priors.UserFunction(log_prior, sample_prior=None, D=None)[source]#

Lightweight wrapper for user-defined priors.


Compute the log-pdf of the distribution.

samplecallable or None


Dint or None

The dimension of the prior, if provided.

__init__(log_prior, sample_prior=None, D=None)[source]#

Initialize a user-specified prior from a function.

log_priorcallable, optional

The user-provided function. Should take a one-dimensional array as a single argument, and return the log-density of the prior evaluated at that point.

sample_priorcallable, optional

An optional user-provided function for sampling form the prior. Should take an integer n as a single argument, and return n samples from the prior distribution as an (n, D) array.

Dint, optional

Specified dimension of the prior (optional).

Utility functions#

pyvbmc.priors.convert_to_prior(prior=None, log_prior=None, sample_prior=None, D=None)[source]#

Convert an object to a pyvbmc Prior instance.

prior, optional

The object to convert to a PyVBMC Prior. May be one of:

  1. a PyVBMC prior, which will remain unchanged,

  2. a frozen SciPy multivariate normal, multivariate t, or one-dimensional continuous distribution, which will be converted to a PyVBMC SciPy prior, or

  3. a list of one-dimensional continuous SciPy distributions and/or PyVBMC Prior objects, which will be treated as independent marginals of a Product prior.

  4. None, in which case log_prior (and optionally sample_prior) are used to build a user-defined Prior.

sample_priorcallable, optional

A function of a single argument x which returns the log-density of the prior at x. Optional, should agree with prior.log_pdf if both are provided.

sample_priorcallable, optional

A function of a single argument n which returns n samples from the prior distribution. Optional, should agree with prior.sample if both are provided.

Dint, optional

The dimension of the prior distribution. Optional, used only for user-defined priors.

pyvbmc.priors.tile_inputs(*args, size=None, squeeze=False)[source]#

Tile scalar inputs to have the same dimension as array inputs.

If all inputs are given as scalars, returned arrays will have shape size if size is a tuple, or shape (size,) if size is an integer.

*args[Union[float, np.ndarray]]

The inputs to tile.

sizeUnion[int, tuple], optional

The desired size/shape of the output, default (1,).


If True, then drop 1-d axes from inputs. Default False.


If the non-scalar arguments do not have the same shape, or if they do not agree with size.


Assess whether obj is a valid SciPy distribution for a PyVBMC prior.

A valid SciPy distribution is a frozen multivariate normal, multivariate t, or continuous univariate distribution.


The object to type-check.
