Source code for pyvbmc.priors.smooth_box

from textwrap import indent

import numpy as np

from pyvbmc.formatting import full_repr
from pyvbmc.priors import Prior, tile_inputs

[docs] class SmoothBox(Prior): """Multivariate smooth-box prior. For each dimension `i`, the univariate smooth-box pdf is defined as a uniform distribution between pivots ``a[i]``, ``b[i]`` with Gaussian tails that fall starting from `p(a[i])` to the left (resp., `p(b[i])` to the right) with standard deviation ``scale[i]``. Attributes ---------- D : int The dimension of the prior distribution. a : np.ndarray The lower pivot(s), shape `(1, D)`. b : np.ndarray The upper pivot(s), shape `(1, D)`. scale : np.ndarray The standard deviation of the Gaussian tails, shape `(1, D)`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, a, b, scale=1, D=None): """Initialize a multivariate smooth-box prior. Parameters ---------- a : np.ndarray | float The lower pivot(s), shape `(D,)` where `D` is the dimension (parameters of type ``float`` will be tiled to this shape). b : np.ndarray | float The upper pivot(s), shape `(D,)` where `D` is the dimension (parameters of type ``float`` will be tiled to this shape). scale : np.ndarray The standard deviation of the Gaussian tails, shape `(D,)` where `D` is the dimension (parameters of type ``float`` will be tiled to this shape). Raises ------ ValueError If ``scale[i] <= 0`` or if ``a[i] >= b[i]``, for any `i`. """ self.a, self.b, self.scale = tile_inputs( a, b, scale, size=D, squeeze=True ) if np.any(self.scale <= 0.0): raise ValueError( f"All elements of scale={scale} should be positive." ) if np.any(self.a >= self.b): raise ValueError( f"All elements of a={a} should be strictly less than b={b}." ) self.D = self.a.size
def _log_pdf(self, x): """Compute the log-pdf of the multivariate smooth-box prior. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray The array of input point(s), of dimension `(D,)` or `(n, D)`, where `D` is the distribution dimension. Returns ------- log_pdf : np.ndarray The log-density of the prior at the input point(s), of dimension `(n, 1)`. """ log_pdf = np.full_like(x, -np.inf) log_norm_factor = -np.log(np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * self.scale) - np.log1p( (self.b - self.a) / (np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * self.scale) ) for d in range(self.D): mask = x[:, d] < self.a[d] log_pdf[mask, d] = ( log_norm_factor[d] - 0.5 * ((x[mask, d] - self.a[d]) / self.scale[d]) ** 2 ) mask = (x[:, d] >= self.a[d]) & (x[:, d] <= self.b[d]) log_pdf[mask, d] = log_norm_factor[d] mask = x[:, d] > self.b[d] log_pdf[mask, d] = ( log_norm_factor[d] - 0.5 * ((x[mask, d] - self.b[d]) / self.scale[d]) ** 2 ) return np.sum(log_pdf, axis=1, keepdims=True) def sample(self, n): """Sample random variables from the smooth-box distribution. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of points to sample. Returns ------- rvs : np.ndarray The samples points, of shape `(n, D)`, where `D` is the dimension. """ rvs = np.zeros((n, self.D)) norm_factor = 1 + 1 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * ( (self.b - self.a) / self.scale ) for d in range(self.D): # Draw component (left/right tails or plateau) u = np.random.uniform(0.0, norm_factor[d], size=n) # Left Gaussian tails mask = u < 0.5 if np.any(mask): z1 = np.abs( np.random.normal(0.0, self.scale[d], size=np.sum(mask)) ) rvs[mask, d] = self.a[d] - z1 # Right Gaussian tails mask = (u >= 0.5) & (u < 1.0) if np.any(mask): z1 = np.abs( np.random.normal(0.0, self.scale[d], size=np.sum(mask)) ) rvs[mask, d] = self.b[d] + z1 # Plateau mask = u >= 1.0 if np.any(mask): rvs[mask, d] = np.random.uniform( self.a[d], self.b[d], size=np.sum(mask) ) return rvs @classmethod def _generic(cls, D=1): """Return a generic instance of the class (used for tests).""" return SmoothBox( np.zeros(D), np.ones(D), np.ones(D), ) def _support(self): """Returns the support of the distribution. Used to test that the distribution integrates to one, so it is also acceptable to return a box which bounds the support of the distribution. Returns ------- lb, ub : tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray) A tuple of lower and upper bounds of the support, such that [``lb[i]``, ``ub[i]``] bounds the support of the `i`th marginal. """ return ( np.full_like(self.a, -np.inf), np.full_like(self.b, np.inf), ) def __str__(self): """Print a string summary.""" return "SmoothBox prior:" + indent( f""" dimension = {self.D}, lower bounds = {self.a}, upper bounds = {self.b} scale (widths of tails) = {self.scale}""", " ", ) def __repr__(self, arr_size_thresh=10, expand=False): """Construct a detailed string summary. Parameters ---------- arr_size_thresh : float, optional If ``obj`` is an array whose product of dimensions is less than ``arr_size_thresh``, print the full array. Otherwise print only the shape. Default `10`. expand : bool, optional If ``expand`` is `False`, then describe any complex child attributes of the object by their name and memory location. Otherwise, recursively expand the child attributes into their own representations. Default `False`. Returns ------- string : str The string representation of ``self``. """ return full_repr( self, "SmoothBox", order=[ "D", "a", "b", "scale", ], expand=expand, arr_size_thresh=arr_size_thresh, )