Source code for pyvbmc.whitening.whitening

import copy

import gpyreg as gpr
import numpy as np

[docs] def unscent_warp(fun, x, sigma): r"""Compute the unscented transform of the warping function `fun`. Parameters ---------- fun : function A single-argument function which warps input points. x : (n,D) or (D,) np.ndarray The input mean for which to compute the unscented transform. sigma : (n,D) or (D,) np.ndarray The input matrix of standard deviations or scale parameters for which to compute the unscented transform. Returns ------- x_warped_mean : (n,D) or (D,) np.ndarray The unscented estimate of the mean. x_warped_sigma : (n,D) np.ndarray The unscented estimate of the standard deviation / scale parameters. x_warped : (U,n,D) np.ndarray The warped mean points at `x_warped[0, :, :]`, and the warped std. simplex points, at `[1:, :, :]`. Here `U=2*D+1`. Raises ------ ValueError If the rows/columns of `x` and `sigma` cannot be coerced to match. """ x_shape_orig = x.shape x = np.atleast_2d(x) sigma = np.atleast_2d(sigma) (N1, D) = x.shape (N2, D2) = sigma.shape N = np.max([N1, N2]) if N1 not in (1, N): raise ValueError("Mismatch between rows of X and SIGMA.") if N2 not in (1, N): raise ValueError("Mismatch between rows of X and SIGMA.") if D != D2: raise ValueError("Mismatch between columns of X and SIGMA.") if (N1 == 1) and (N > 1): x = np.tile(x, [N, 1]) if (N2 == 1) and (N > 1): sigma = np.tile(sigma, [N, 1]) U = 2 * D + 1 # For each dimension, collect the points at +- one std. deviation # along that dimension, and the original points x xx = np.tile(x, [U, 1, 1]) for d in range(D): sigma_slice = np.sqrt(D) * sigma[:, d] # xx already contains: # xx[0, :, d] = x[d] xx[2 * d + 1, :, d] = xx[2 * d + 1, :, d] + sigma_slice xx[2 * d + 2, :, d] = xx[2 * d + 2, :, d] - sigma_slice # Drop points into column to apply warping, then reshape back x_warped = np.reshape(xx, [N * U, D]) x_warped = fun(x_warped) x_warped = np.reshape(x_warped, [U, N, D]) # Estimate the mean and standard deviation of the warped points # by the mean and std of these sigma-points x_warped_mean = np.mean(x_warped, axis=0).reshape(x_shape_orig) x_warped_sigma = np.std(x_warped, axis=0, ddof=1).reshape(x_shape_orig) return x_warped_mean, x_warped_sigma, x_warped
[docs] def warp_input(vp, optim_state, function_logger, options): r"""Compute input warping of variables and update the cached points in function_logger accordingly. Currently supports only a whitening transformation: a rotation and rescaling of the inference space such that the variational posterior acheives unit diagonal covariance. Parameters ---------- vp : VariationalPosterior The current VP object for which to compute the warping. optim_state : dict The dictionary recording the current optimization state. function_logger : FunctionLogger The record including cached function values. Returns ------- parameter_transformer : ParameterTransformer A ParameterTransformer object representing the new transformation between original coordinates and inference space coordinates, with the input warping applied. optim_state : dict An updated copy of the original optimization state dict. function_logger : FunctionLogger An updated copy of the original function logger. warp_action : str The type of warping performed ("rotoscaling" or "warp") Raises ------ NotImplementedError If `vbmc.options["warp_nonlinear"]` is set other than False. """ parameter_transformer = copy.deepcopy(vp.parameter_transformer) optim_state = copy.deepcopy(optim_state) function_logger = copy.deepcopy(function_logger) if options.get("warp_nonlinear"): raise NotImplementedError("Non-linear warping is not supported.") if options.get("warp_rotoscaling"): if options.get("warp_nonlinear"): raise NotImplementedError("Non-linear warping is not supported.") else: # Get covariance matrix analytically __, vp_cov = vp.moments(orig_flag=False, cov_flag=True) delta = R_mat = parameter_transformer.R_mat scale = parameter_transformer.scale if R_mat is None: R_mat = np.eye(vp.D) if scale is None: scale = np.ones(vp.D) vp_cov = R_mat @ np.diag(scale) @ vp_cov @ np.diag(scale) @ R_mat.T vp_cov = np.diag(delta) @ vp_cov @ np.diag(delta) # Remove low-correlation entries if options["warp_roto_corr_thresh"] > 0: vp_corr = vp_cov / np.sqrt( np.outer(np.diag(vp_cov), np.diag(vp_cov)) ) mask_idx = np.abs(vp_corr) <= options["warp_roto_corr_thresh"] vp_cov[mask_idx] = 0 # Regularization of covariance matrix towards diagonal if ( type(options["warp_cov_reg"]) == float or type(options["warp_cov_reg"]) == int ): w_reg = options["warp_cov_reg"] else: w_reg = options.warp_cov_reg[optim_state["N"]] w_reg = np.max([0, np.min([1, w_reg])]) vp_cov = (1 - w_reg) * vp_cov + w_reg * np.diag(np.diag(vp_cov)) # Compute whitening transform (rotoscaling) U, s, __ = np.linalg.svd(vp_cov) if np.linalg.det(U) < 0: U[:, 0] = -U[:, 0] scale = np.sqrt(s + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) parameter_transformer.R_mat = U parameter_transformer.scale = scale # Update shift and scaling and plausible bounds: = np.zeros(vp.D) = np.ones(vp.D) Nrnd = 100000 xx = ( np.random.rand(Nrnd, vp.D) * (optim_state["pub_orig"] - optim_state["plb_orig"]) + optim_state["plb_orig"] ) yy = parameter_transformer(xx) # Quantile-based estimate of plausible bounds [plb_tran, pub_tran] = np.quantile(yy, [0.05, 0.95], axis=0) delta_temp = pub_tran - plb_tran plb_tran = plb_tran - delta_temp / 9 pub_tran = pub_tran + delta_temp / 9 optim_state["plb_tran"] = plb_tran.reshape((1, vp.D)) optim_state["pub_tran"] = pub_tran.reshape((1, vp.D)) # Temperature scaling if optim_state.get("temperature"): T = optim_state["temperature"] else: T = 1 # Adjust stored points after warping X_flag = function_logger.X_flag X_orig = function_logger.X_orig[X_flag, :] y_orig = function_logger.y_orig[X_flag].T X = parameter_transformer(X_orig) dy = parameter_transformer.log_abs_det_jacobian(X) y = y_orig + dy / T function_logger.X[X_flag, :] = X function_logger.y[X_flag] = y.T function_logger.parameter_transformer = parameter_transformer # Update search bounds: # Invert points to original space with old transform, # then map to new space with new transform def warpfun(x): return parameter_transformer(vp.parameter_transformer.inverse(x)) Nrnd = 1000 xx = ( np.random.rand(Nrnd, vp.D) * (optim_state["ub_search"] - optim_state["lb_search"]) + optim_state["lb_search"] ) yy = warpfun(xx) yyMin = np.min(yy, axis=0) yyMax = np.max(yy, axis=0) delta = yyMax - yyMin optim_state["lb_search"] = np.atleast_2d(yyMin - delta / Nrnd) optim_state["ub_search"] = np.atleast_2d(yyMax + delta / Nrnd) # If search cache is not empty, update it if optim_state.get("search_cache"): optim_state["search_cache"] = warpfun(optim_state["search_cache"]) # Update other state fields optim_state["recompute_var_post"] = True optim_state["skip_active_sampling"] = True optim_state["warping_count"] += 1 optim_state["last_warping"] = optim_state["iter"] optim_state["last_successful_warping"] = optim_state["iter"] # Reset GP Hyperparameters optim_state["run_mean"] = [] optim_state["run_cov"] = [] optim_state["last_run_avg"] = np.nan # Warp action for output display if options.get("warp_nonlinear"): warp_action = "warp" else: warp_action = "rotoscale" return parameter_transformer, optim_state, function_logger, warp_action
[docs] def warp_gp_and_vp(parameter_transformer, gp_old, vp_old, vbmc): r"""Update the GP and VP with a given warp transformation. Applies an updated ParameterTransformer object (with new warping transformation) to the GP and VP parameters. Parameters ---------- parameter_transformer : ParameterTransformer The new (warped) transformation between input coordinates and inference coordinates. gp_old : gpr.GP The current Gaussian process. vp_old : VariationalPosterior The current variational posterior. vbmc : VBMC The current VBMC object. Returns ------- vp : VariationalPosterior An updated copy of the original variational posterior. hyp_warped : dict An updated copy of the dictionary of original GP hyperparameters, with the warping transformation applied. """ vp_old = copy.deepcopy(vp_old) # Invert points from the old inference space to the input space, # then push them back to the new inference space def warpfun(x): return parameter_transformer(vp_old.parameter_transformer.inverse(x)) # Temperature scaling if vbmc.optim_state.get("temperature"): T = vbmc.optim_state["temperature"] else: T = 1 # Get the number of GP hyperparameters, for indexing: Ncov = gp_old.covariance.hyperparameter_count(vbmc.D) Nnoise = gp_old.noise.hyperparameter_count() Nmean = gp_old.mean.hyperparameter_count(vbmc.D) # MATLAB: if ~isempty(gp_old.outwarpfun); Noutwarp = gp_old.Noutwarp; # else; Noutwarp = 0; end # (Not used, see Ns_gp = len(gp_old.posteriors) hyp_warped = np.zeros([Ncov + Nnoise + Nmean, Ns_gp]) for s in range(Ns_gp): hyp = gp_old.posteriors[s].hyp.copy() hyp_warped[:, s] = hyp.copy() # UpdateGP input length scales ell = np.exp(hyp[0 : vbmc.D]).T (__, ell_new, __) = unscent_warp(warpfun, gp_old.X, ell) hyp_warped[0 : vbmc.D, s] = np.mean(np.log(ell_new), axis=0) # We assume relatively no change to GP output and noise scales if isinstance(gp_old.mean, gpr.mean_functions.ConstantMean): # Warp constant mean m0 = hyp[Ncov + Nnoise] dy_old = vp_old.parameter_transformer.log_abs_det_jacobian( gp_old.X ) dy = parameter_transformer.log_abs_det_jacobian(warpfun(gp_old.X)) m0w = m0 + (np.mean(dy, axis=0) - np.mean(dy_old, axis=0)) / T hyp_warped[Ncov + Nnoise, s] = m0w elif isinstance(gp_old.mean, gpr.mean_functions.NegativeQuadratic): # Warp quadratic mean m0 = hyp[Ncov + Nnoise] xm = hyp[Ncov + Nnoise + 1 : Ncov + Nnoise + vbmc.D + 1].T omega = np.exp( hyp[ Ncov + Nnoise + vbmc.D + 1 : Ncov + Nnoise + 2 * vbmc.D + 1 ] ).T # Warp location and scale (xmw, omegaw, __) = unscent_warp(warpfun, xm, omega) # Warp maximum dy_old = vp_old.parameter_transformer.log_abs_det_jacobian(xm).T dy = parameter_transformer.log_abs_det_jacobian(xmw).T m0w = m0 + (dy - dy_old) / T hyp_warped[Ncov + Nnoise, s] = m0w hyp_warped[ Ncov + Nnoise + 1 : Ncov + Nnoise + vbmc.D + 1, s ] = xmw.T hyp_warped[ Ncov + Nnoise + vbmc.D + 1 : Ncov + Nnoise + 2 * vbmc.D + 1, s ] = np.log(omegaw).T else: raise ValueError("Unsupported GP mean function for input warping.") hyp_warped = hyp_warped.T # Update variational posterior vp = copy.deepcopy(vp_old) vp.parameter_transformer = copy.deepcopy(parameter_transformer) mu = sigmalambda = (vp_old.lambd * vp_old.sigma).T (muw, sigmalambdaw, __) = unscent_warp(warpfun, mu, sigmalambda) = muw.T lambdaw = np.sqrt( vbmc.D * np.mean( (sigmalambdaw**2).T / np.sum(sigmalambdaw**2, axis=1), axis=1 ) ).T vp.lambd[:, 0] = lambdaw sigmaw = np.exp(np.mean(np.log(sigmalambdaw / lambdaw), axis=1)) vp.sigma[0, :] = sigmaw # Approximate change in weight: dy_old = vp_old.parameter_transformer.log_abs_det_jacobian(mu) dy = parameter_transformer.log_abs_det_jacobian(muw) ww = vp_old.w * np.exp((dy - dy_old) / T) vp.w = ww / np.sum(ww) return vp, hyp_warped