Source code for pyvbmc.vbmc.variational_optimization

"""Variational optimization / training of variational posterior"""

import copy
import math

import gpyreg as gpr
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

from pyvbmc.entropy import entlb_vbmc, entmc_vbmc
from pyvbmc.stats import get_hpd
from pyvbmc.variational_posterior import VariationalPosterior

from .iteration_history import IterationHistory
from .minimize_adam import minimize_adam
from .options import Options

[docs] def update_K( optim_state: dict, iteration_history: IterationHistory, options: Options ): """ Update number of variational mixture components. Parameters ========== optim_state : dict Optimization state from the VBMC instance we are calling this from. iteration_history : IterationHistory Iteration history from the VBMC instance we are calling this from. options : Options Options from the VBMC instance we are calling this from. Returns ======= K_new : int The new number of variational mixture components. """ K_new = optim_state["vp_K"] # Compute maximum number of components K_max = math.ceil(options.eval("k_fun_max", {"N": optim_state["n_eff"]})) # Evaluate bonus for stable solution. K_bonus = round(options.eval("adaptive_k", {"unkn": K_new})) # If not warming up, check if number of components gets to be increased. if not optim_state["warmup"] and optim_state["iter"] > 0: recent_iters = math.ceil( 0.5 * options["tol_stable_count"] / options["fun_evals_per_iter"] ) # Check if ELCBO has improved wrt recent iterations lower_end = max(0, optim_state["iter"] - recent_iters) elbos = iteration_history["elbo"][lower_end:] elboSDs = iteration_history["elbo_sd"][lower_end:] elcbos = elbos - options["elcbo_impro_weight"] * elboSDs warmups = iteration_history["warmup"][lower_end:].astype(bool) elcbos_after = elcbos[~warmups] # Ignore two iterations right after warmup. elcbos_after[0 : min(2, optim_state["iter"] + 1)] = -np.inf elcbo_max = np.max(elcbos_after) improving_flag = elcbos_after[-1] >= elcbo_max and np.isfinite( elcbos_after[-1] ) # Add one component if ELCBO is improving and no pruning in # the last iteration if iteration_history["pruned"][-1] == 0 and improving_flag: K_new += 1 # Bonus components for stable solution (speed up exploration) if ( iteration_history["r_index"][-1] < 1 and not optim_state["recompute_var_post"] and improving_flag ): # No bonus if any component was very recently pruned. new_lower_end = max( 0, optim_state["iter"] - math.ceil(0.5 * recent_iters) ) if np.all(iteration_history["pruned"][new_lower_end:] == 0): K_new += K_bonus K_new = max(optim_state["vp_K"], min(K_new, K_max)) return K_new
[docs] def optimize_vp( options: Options, optim_state: dict, vp: VariationalPosterior, gp: gpr.GP, fast_opts_N: int, slow_opts_N: int, K: int = None, ): """ Optimize variational posterior. Parameters ========== options : Options Options from the VBMC instance we are calling this from. optim_state : dict Optimization state from the VBMC instance we are calling this from. vp : VariationalPosterior The variational posterior we want to optimize. gp : gpyreg.GaussianProcess The Gaussian process surrogate of the log-posterior, against which to optimize the VP. fast_opts_N : int Number of fast optimizations. slow_opts_N : int Number of slow optimizations. K : int, optional Number of mixture components. If not given defaults to the number of mixture components the given VP has. Returns ======= vp : VariationalPosterior The optimized variational posterior. var_ss : int Estimated variance of the ELBO, due to variance of the expected log-joint, for each GP hyperparameter sample. pruned : int Number of pruned components. """ if K is None: K = vp.K # Missing port: assigning default values to options if it is none # due to the new structure of the program # Missing port: assign default values to optim_state since these are # not really used # Turn off weight optimization in warm up if not already done. if optim_state["warmup"]: vp.optimize_weights = False # Quick sieve optimization to determine starting point(s) vp0_vec, vp0_type, elcbo_beta, compute_var, ns_ent_K, _ = _sieve( options, optim_state, vp, gp, K=K, init_N=fast_opts_N, best_N=slow_opts_N, ) # Compute soft bounds for variational parameter optimization. theta_bnd = vp.get_bounds(gp.X, options, K) ## Perform optimization starting from one or few selected points. # Set up an empty stats struct for optimization theta_N = np.size(vp0_vec[0].get_parameters()) Ns = np.size(gp.posteriors) elbo_stats = _initialize_full_elcbo(slow_opts_N * 2, theta_N, K, Ns) # For the moment no gradient available for variance gradient_available = compute_var == 0 if gradient_available: # Set basic options for deterministic (?) optimizer compute_grad = True else: if ns_ent_K > 0: raise ValueError( """Gradients must be available when ns_ent_K is > 0.""" ) else: compute_grad = False vp0_fine = {} for i in range(0, slow_opts_N): # Be careful with off-by-one errors here, Python is zero-based. i_mid = (i + 1) * 2 - 2 i_end = (i + 1) * 2 - 1 # Select points from best ones depending on subset if slow_opts_N == 1: idx = 0 elif slow_opts_N == 2: if i == 0: idx = np.where(vp0_type == 1)[0][0] else: idx = np.where((vp0_type == 2) | (vp0_type == 3))[0][0] else: idx = np.where(vp0_type == (i % 3) + 1)[0][0] vp0 = vp0_vec[idx] vp0_vec = np.delete(vp0_vec, idx) vp0_type = np.delete(vp0_type, idx) theta0 = vp0.get_parameters() if ns_ent_K == 0: # Fast optimization via deterministic entropy approximation # Objective function def vb_train_fun(theta_): res = _neg_elcbo( theta_, gp, vp0, elcbo_beta, 0, compute_grad=compute_grad, compute_var=compute_var, theta_bnd=theta_bnd, ) if compute_grad: return res[0], res[1] return res[0] res = sp.optimize.minimize( vb_train_fun, theta0, jac=compute_grad, tol=options["det_entropy_tol_opt"], ) if not res.success: # SciPy minimize failed raise RuntimeError( "Cannot optimize variational parameters with", "scipy.optimize.minimize.", ) else: theta_opt = res.x else: # Objective function, should only return value and gradient. def vb_train_mc_fun(theta_): res = _neg_elcbo( theta_, gp, vp0, elcbo_beta, ns_ent_K, compute_grad=True, compute_var=compute_var, theta_bnd=theta_bnd, ) return res[0], res[1] # Optimization via unbiased stochastic entroply approximation theta_opt = theta0 if options["stochastic_optimizer"] == "adam": master_min = min(options["sgd_step_size"], 0.001) if optim_state["warmup"] or not vp.optimize_weights: scaling_factor = min(0.1, options["sgd_step_size"] * 10) else: scaling_factor = min(0.1, options["sgd_step_size"]) # Fixed master stepsize master_max = scaling_factor # Note: we tried to adapt the stepsizes guided by the GP # hyperparameters, but this did not seem to help (the former # experimental option was "GPStochasticStepsize"). master_max = max(master_min, master_max) master_decay = 200 max_iter = min(10000, options["max_iter_stochastic"]) theta_opt, _, theta_lst, f_val_lst, _ = minimize_adam( vb_train_mc_fun, theta_opt, tol_fun=options["tol_fun_stochastic"], max_iter=max_iter, master_min=master_min, master_max=master_max, master_decay=master_decay, ) if options["elcbo_midpoint"]: # Recompute ELCBO at best midpoint with full variance # and more precision. idx_mid = np.argmin(f_val_lst) elbo_stats = _eval_full_elcbo( i_mid, theta_lst[:, idx_mid], vp0, gp, elbo_stats, elcbo_beta, options, ) else: raise ValueError("Unknown stochastic optimizer!") # Recompute ELCBO at endpoint with full variance and more precision elbo_stats = _eval_full_elcbo( i_end, theta_opt, vp0, gp, elbo_stats, elcbo_beta, options ) vp0_fine[i_mid] = copy.deepcopy(vp0) vp0_fine[i_end] = copy.deepcopy(vp0) # Parameters get assigned later ## Finalize optimization by taking variational parameters with best ELCBO idx = np.argmin(elbo_stats["nelcbo"]) elbo = -elbo_stats["nelbo"][idx] elbo_sd = np.sqrt(elbo_stats["varF"][idx]) G = elbo_stats["G"][idx] H = elbo_stats["H"][idx] var_ss = elbo_stats["var_ss"][idx] varG = elbo_stats["varG"][idx] varH = elbo_stats["varH"][idx] I_sk = np.zeros((Ns, K)) J_sjk = np.zeros((Ns, K, K)) I_sk[:, :] = elbo_stats["I_sk"][idx, :, :].copy() J_sjk[:, :, :] = elbo_stats["J_sjk"][idx, :, :, :].copy() vp = vp0_fine[idx] vp.set_parameters(elbo_stats["theta"][idx, :]) ## Potentionally prune mixture components pruned = 0 if vp.optimize_weights: already_checked = np.full((vp.K,), False) while np.any((vp.w < options["tol_weight"]) & ~already_checked): vp_pruned = copy.deepcopy(vp) # Choose a random component below threshold idx = np.argwhere( (vp.w < options["tol_weight"]).ravel() & ~already_checked ).ravel() idx = idx[np.random.randint(0, np.size(idx))] vp_pruned.w = np.delete(vp_pruned.w, idx) vp_pruned.eta = np.delete(vp_pruned.eta, idx) vp_pruned.sigma = np.delete(vp_pruned.sigma, idx) = np.delete(, idx, axis=1) vp_pruned.K -= 1 theta_pruned = vp_pruned.get_parameters() # Recompute ELCBO elbo_stats = _eval_full_elcbo( 0, theta_pruned, vp_pruned, gp, elbo_stats, elcbo_beta, options, ) elbo_pruned = -elbo_stats["nelbo"][0] elbo_pruned_sd = np.sqrt(elbo_stats["varF"][0]) # Difference in ELCBO (before and after pruning) delta_elcbo = np.abs( (elbo_pruned - options["elcbo_impro_weight"] * elbo_pruned_sd) - (elbo - options["elcbo_impro_weight"] * elbo_sd) ) # Prune component if it has neglible influence on ELCBO pruning_threshold = options["tol_improvement"] * options.eval( "pruning_threshold_multiplier", {"K": K} ) if delta_elcbo < pruning_threshold: vp = vp_pruned elbo = elbo_pruned elbo_sd = elbo_pruned_sd G = elbo_stats["G"][0] H = elbo_stats["H"][0] var_ss = elbo_stats["var_ss"][0] varG = elbo_stats["varG"][0] varH = elbo_stats["varH"][0] pruned += 1 already_checked = np.delete(already_checked, idx) I_sk = np.delete(I_sk, idx, axis=1) J_sjk = np.delete(J_sjk, idx, axis=2) else: already_checked[idx] = True vp.stats = {} vp.stats["elbo"] = elbo # ELBO vp.stats["elbo_sd"] = elbo_sd # Error on the ELBO vp.stats["e_log_joint"] = G # Expected log joint vp.stats["e_log_joint_sd"] = np.sqrt(varG) # Error on expected log joint vp.stats["entropy"] = H # Entropy vp.stats["entropy_sd"] = np.sqrt(varH) # Error on the entropy vp.stats["stable"] = False # Unstable until proven otherwise vp.stats["I_sk"] = I_sk # Expected log joint per component vp.stats["J_sjk"] = J_sjk # Covariance of expected log joint return vp, var_ss, pruned
def _initialize_full_elcbo(max_idx: int, D: int, K: int, Ns: int): """Initialize a dictionary for keeping track of full ELCBO output. Parameters ========== max_idx : int Maximum number of full ELCBO evaluations. D : int The dimension. K : int Number of mixture components. Ns : int Number of samples for entropy approximation. Returns ======= elbo_stats : dict A dictionary with entries for all output variables of full ELCBO. """ elbo_stats = {} elbo_stats["nelbo"] = np.full((max_idx,), np.inf) elbo_stats["G"] = np.full((max_idx,), np.nan) elbo_stats["H"] = np.full((max_idx,), np.nan) elbo_stats["varF"] = np.full((max_idx,), np.nan) elbo_stats["varG"] = np.full((max_idx,), np.nan) elbo_stats["varH"] = np.full((max_idx,), np.nan) elbo_stats["var_ss"] = np.full((max_idx,), np.nan) elbo_stats["nelcbo"] = np.full((max_idx,), np.inf) elbo_stats["theta"] = np.full((max_idx, D), np.nan) elbo_stats["I_sk"] = np.full((max_idx, Ns, K), np.nan) elbo_stats["J_sjk"] = np.full((max_idx, Ns, K, K), np.nan) return elbo_stats def _eval_full_elcbo( idx: int, theta: np.ndarray, vp: VariationalPosterior, gp: gpr.GP, elbo_stats: dict, beta: float, options: Options, entropy_alpha: float = 0.0, ): """Evaluate full ELCBO and store the results in a dictionary. Parameters ========== idx : int Index in the dictionary to which store the evaluated values. theta : np.ndarray VP parameters for which to evaluate full ELCBO. vp : VariationalPosterior The variational posterior in question. gp : GP Gaussian process from VBMC main loop. elbo_stats : dict The dictionary for storing full ELCBO stats. beta : float Confidence weight. options : Options Options from the VBMC instance we are calling from. entropy_alpha : float, defaults to 0.0 (currently unused) Parameter for lower/upper deterministic entropy interpolation. Returns ======= elbo_stats : dict The updated dictionary. """ # Number of samples per component for MC approximation of the entropy. K = vp.K ns_ent_fine_K = math.ceil(options.eval("ns_ent_fine", {"K": K}) / K) if "skip_elbo_variance" in options and options["skip_elbo_variance"]: compute_var = False else: compute_var = True nelbo, _, G, H, varF, _, var_ss, varG, varH, I_sk, J_sjk = _neg_elcbo( theta, gp, vp, 0, ns_ent_fine_K, False, compute_var, None, entropy_alpha, True, ) nelcbo = nelbo + beta * np.sqrt(varF) elbo_stats["nelbo"][idx] = nelbo elbo_stats["G"][idx] = G elbo_stats["H"][idx] = H elbo_stats["varF"][idx] = varF elbo_stats["varG"][idx] = varG elbo_stats["varH"][idx] = varH elbo_stats["var_ss"][idx] = var_ss elbo_stats["nelcbo"][idx] = nelcbo elbo_stats["theta"][idx, 0 : np.size(theta)] = theta elbo_stats["I_sk"][idx, :, 0:K] = I_sk elbo_stats["J_sjk"][idx, :, 0:K, 0:K] = J_sjk return elbo_stats def _vp_bound_loss( vp: VariationalPosterior, theta: np.ndarray, theta_bnd: dict, tol_con: float = 1e-3, compute_grad: bool = True, ): """ Variational parameter loss function for soft optimization bounds. Parameters ========== vp : VariationalPosterior The variational posterior for which we are interested in computing the loss function on. theta : np.ndarray, shape (N,) The parameters at which we want to compute the loss function. theta_bnd : dict Variational posterior soft bounds. tol_con : float, defaults to 1e-3 Penalization relative scale. compute_grad : bool, defaults to True Whether to compute gradients. Returns ======= L : float The value of the loss function. dL : np.ndarray, shape (N,), optional The gradient of the loss function. """ if vp.optimize_mu: mu = theta[: vp.D * vp.K] start_idx = vp.D * vp.K else: mu ="F") start_idx = 0 if vp.optimize_sigma: ln_sigma = theta[start_idx : start_idx + vp.K] start_idx += vp.K else: ln_sigma = np.log(vp.sigma.ravel()) if vp.optimize_lambd: ln_lambd = theta[start_idx : start_idx + vp.D].T else: ln_lambd = np.log(vp.lambd.ravel()) if vp.optimize_weights: eta = theta[-vp.K :] ln_scale = np.reshape(ln_lambd, (-1, 1)) + np.reshape(ln_sigma, (1, -1)) theta_ext = [] if vp.optimize_mu: theta_ext.append(mu.ravel()) if vp.optimize_sigma or vp.optimize_lambda: theta_ext.append(ln_scale.ravel(order="F")) if vp.optimize_weights: theta_ext.append(eta.ravel()) theta_ext = np.concatenate(theta_ext) if compute_grad: L, dL = _soft_bound_loss( theta_ext, theta_bnd["lb"].ravel(), theta_bnd["ub"].ravel(), tol_con, compute_grad=True, ) dL_new = np.array([]) if vp.optimize_mu: dL_new = np.concatenate((dL_new, dL[0 : vp.D * vp.K].ravel())) start_idx = vp.D * vp.K else: start_idx = 0 if vp.optimize_sigma or vp.optimize_lambda: dlnscale = np.reshape( dL[start_idx : start_idx + vp.D * vp.K], (vp.D, vp.K) ) if vp.optimize_sigma: dL_new = np.concatenate((dL_new, np.sum(dlnscale, axis=0))) if vp.optimize_lambd: dL_new = np.concatenate((dL_new, np.sum(dlnscale, axis=1))) if vp.optimize_weights: dL_new = np.concatenate((dL_new, dL[-vp.K :].ravel())) return L, dL_new L = _soft_bound_loss( theta_ext, theta_bnd["lb"].ravel(), theta_bnd["ub"].ravel(), tol_con, ) return L def _soft_bound_loss( x: np.ndarray, slb: np.ndarray, sub: np.ndarray, tol_con: float = 1e-3, compute_grad: bool = False, ): """ Loss function for soft bounds for function minimization. Parameters ========== x : np.ndarray, shape (D,) Point for which we want to know the loss function value. slb : np.ndarray, shape (D,) Soft lower bounds. sub : np.ndarray, shape (D,) Soft upper bounds. tol_con : float, defaults to 1e-3 Penalization relative scale. compute_grad : bool, defaults to False Whether to compute gradients. Returns ======= y : float The value of the loss function. dy : np.ndarray, shape (D,), optional The gradient of the loss function. """ ell = (sub - slb) * tol_con y = 0.0 dy = np.zeros(x.shape) idx = x < slb if np.any(idx): y += 0.5 * np.sum(((slb[idx] - x[idx]) / ell[idx]) ** 2) if compute_grad: dy[idx] = (x[idx] - slb[idx]) / ell[idx] ** 2 idx = x > sub if np.any(idx): y += 0.5 * np.sum(((x[idx] - sub[idx]) / ell[idx]) ** 2) if compute_grad: dy[idx] = (x[idx] - sub[idx]) / ell[idx] ** 2 if compute_grad: return y, dy return y def _sieve( options: Options, optim_state: dict, vp: VariationalPosterior, gp: gpr.GP, init_N: int = None, best_N: int = 1, K: int = None, ): """ Preliminary 'sieve' method for fitting variational posterior. Parameters ========== options : Options Options from the VBMC instance we are calling this from. optim_state : dict Optimization state from the VBMC instance we are calling this from. vp : VariationalPosterior The variational posterior to use as a basis for new candidates. gp : GP Current GP from optimization. init_N : int, optional Number of initial starting points. best_N : int, defaults to 1 Specifies the design pattern for new starting parameters. ``best_N==1`` means use the old variational parameters as a starting point for new candidate VP's. Any other value will use an even mix of: - the old variational parameters, - the highest posterior density training points, and - random starting points for new candidate VP's. K : int, optional Number of mixture components. If not given defaults to the number of mixture components the given VP has. Returns ======= vp0_vec : np.ndarray, shape (init_N,) Vector of candidate variational posteriors. vp0_type : np.ndarray, shape (init_N,) Vector of types of candidate variational posteriors. elcbo_beta : float Confidence weight. compute_var : bool Whether to compute variance in later optimization. ns_ent_K : int Number of samples per component for MC approximation of the entropy. ns_ent_K_fast : int Number of samples per component for preliminary MC approximation of the entropy. """ if K is None: K = vp.K # Missing port: assign default values to optim_state (since # this doesn't seem to be necessary) ## Set up optimization variables and options. # Number of initial starting points if init_N is None: init_N = math.ceil(options.eval("ns_elbo", {"K": K})) nelcbo_fill = np.zeros((init_N,)) # Number of samples per component for MC approximation of the entropy. ns_ent_K = math.ceil(options.eval("ns_ent", {"K": K}) / K) # Number of samples per component for preliminary MC approximation # of the entropy. ns_ent_K_fast = math.ceil(options.eval("ns_ent_fast", {"K": K}) / K) # Deterministic entropy if entropy switch is on or only one component if optim_state["entropy_switch"] or K == 1: ns_ent_K = 0 ns_ent_K_fast = 0 # Confidence weight # Missing port: elcboweight does not exist # elcbo_beta = self._eval_option(self.options["elcboweight"], # self.optim_state["n_eff"]) elcbo_beta = 0 compute_var = elcbo_beta != 0 # Compute soft bounds for variational parameter optimization theta_bnd = vp.get_bounds(gp.X, options, K) ## Perform quick shotgun evaluation of many candidate parameters if init_N > 0: # Get high-posterior density points X_star, y_star, _, _ = get_hpd(gp.X, gp.y, options["hpd_frac"]) # Generate a bunch of random candidate variational parameters. if best_N == 1: vp0_vec, vp0_type = _vb_init(vp, 1, init_N, K, X_star, y_star) else: # Fix random seed here if trying to reproduce MATLAB numbers vp0_vec1, vp0_type1 = _vb_init( vp, 1, math.ceil(init_N / 3), K, X_star, y_star ) vp0_vec2, vp0_type2 = _vb_init( vp, 2, math.ceil(init_N / 3), K, X_star, y_star ) vp0_vec3, vp0_type3 = _vb_init( vp, 3, init_N - 2 * math.ceil(init_N / 3), K, X_star, y_star ) vp0_vec = np.concatenate([vp0_vec1, vp0_vec2, vp0_vec3]) vp0_type = np.concatenate([vp0_type1, vp0_type2, vp0_type3]) # in MATLAB the vp_repo is used here # Quickly estimate ELCBO at each candidate variational posterior. for i, vp0 in enumerate(vp0_vec): theta = vp0.get_parameters() nelbo_tmp, _, _, _, varF_tmp = _neg_elcbo( theta, gp, vp0, 0, ns_ent_K_fast, 0, compute_var, theta_bnd, ) nelcbo_fill[i] = nelbo_tmp + elcbo_beta * np.sqrt(varF_tmp) # Sort by negative ELCBO order = np.argsort(nelcbo_fill) vp0_vec = vp0_vec[order] vp0_type = vp0_type[order] return ( vp0_vec, vp0_type, elcbo_beta, compute_var, ns_ent_K, ns_ent_K_fast, ) return ( copy.deepcopy(vp), 1, elcbo_beta, compute_var, ns_ent_K, ns_ent_K_fast, ) def _vb_init( vp: VariationalPosterior, vb_type: int, opts_N: int, K_new: int, X_star: np.ndarray, y_star: np.ndarray, ): """ Generate array of random starting parameters for variational posterior. Parameters ========== vp : VariationalPosterior Variational posterior to use as base. vb_type : {1, 2, 3} Type of method to create new starting parameters. Here 1 means starting from old variational parameters, 2 means starting from highest-posterior density training points, and 3 means starting from random provided training points. opts_N : int Number of random starting parameters. K_new : int New number of mixture components. X_star : np.ndarray, shape (N, D) Training inputs, usually HPD regions. y_star : np.ndarray, shape (N, 1) Training targets, usually HPD regions. Returns ======= vp0_vec : np.ndarray, shape (opts_N, ) The array of random starting parameters. type_vec : np.ndarray, shape (opts_N, ) The array of type of each random starting parameter. """ D = vp.D K = vp.K N_star = X_star.shape[0] type_vec = vb_type * np.ones((opts_N)) lambd0 = vp.lambd.copy() mu0 = w0 = vp.w.copy() if vb_type == 1: # Start from old variational parameters sigma0 = vp.sigma.copy() elif vb_type == 2: # Start from highest-posterior density training points if vp.optimize_mu: order = np.argsort(y_star, axis=None)[::-1] idx_order = np.tile( range(0, min(K_new, N_star)), (math.ceil(K_new / N_star),) ) mu0 = X_star[order[idx_order[0:K_new]], :].T if K > 1: V = np.var(mu0, axis=1, ddof=1) else: V = np.var(X_star, axis=0, ddof=1) sigma0 = np.sqrt(np.mean(V / lambd0**2) / K_new) * np.exp( 0.2 * np.random.randn(1, K_new) ) else: # Start from random provided training points. if vp.optimize_mu: mu0 = np.zeros((D, K)) sigma0 = np.zeros((1, K)) vp0_list = [] for i in range(0, opts_N): add_jitter = True mu = mu0.copy() sigma = sigma0.copy() lambd = lambd0.copy() if vp.optimize_weights: w = w0.copy() if vb_type == 1: # Start from old variational parameters # Copy previous parameters verbatim. if i == 0: add_jitter = False if K_new > vp.K: # Spawn a new component near an existing one for i_new in range(K, K_new): idx = np.random.randint(0, K) mu = np.hstack((mu, mu[:, idx : idx + 1])) sigma = np.hstack((sigma, sigma[0:1, idx : idx + 1])) mu[:, i_new : i_new + 1] += ( 0.5 * sigma[0, i_new] * lambd * np.random.randn(D, 1) ) if vp.optimize_sigma: sigma[0, i_new] *= np.exp(0.2 * np.random.randn()) if vp.optimize_weights: xi = 0.25 + 0.25 * np.random.rand() w = np.hstack((w, xi * w[0:1, idx : idx + 1])) w[0, idx] *= 1 - xi elif vb_type == 2: # Start from highest-posterior density training points if i == 0: add_jitter = False if vp.optimize_lambd: lambd = np.reshape(np.std(X_star, axis=0, ddof=1), (-1, 1)) lambd *= np.sqrt(D / np.sum(lambd**2)) if vp.optimize_weights: w = np.ones((1, K_new)) / K_new elif vb_type == 3: # Start from random provided training points if vp.optimize_mu: order = np.random.permutation(N_star) idx_order = np.tile( range(0, min(K_new, N_star)), (math.ceil(K_new / N_star),), ) mu = X_star[order[idx_order[0:K_new]], :].T else: mu = mu0.copy() if vp.optimize_sigma: if K > 1: V = np.var(mu, axis=1, ddof=1) else: V = np.var(X_star, axis=0, ddof=1) sigma = np.sqrt(np.mean(V) / K_new) * np.exp( 0.2 * np.random.randn(1, K_new) ) if vp.optimize_lambd: lambd = np.reshape(np.std(X_star, axis=0, ddof=1), (-1, 1)) lambd *= np.sqrt(D / np.sum(lambd**2)) if vp.optimize_weights: w = np.ones((1, K_new)) / K_new else: raise ValueError( "Unknown type for initialization of variational posteriors." ) if add_jitter: if vp.optimize_mu: # When reproducing MATLAB numbers we need to do Fortran order # here, adding .T works with square shape. mu += sigma * lambd * np.random.randn(mu.shape[0], mu.shape[1]) if vp.optimize_sigma: sigma *= np.exp(0.2 * np.random.randn(1, K_new)) if vp.optimize_lambd: lambd *= np.exp(0.2 * np.random.randn(D, 1)) if vp.optimize_weights: w *= np.exp(0.2 * np.random.randn(1, K_new)) w /= np.sum(w) new_vp = copy.deepcopy(vp) new_vp.K = K_new if vp.optimize_weights: new_vp.w = w else: new_vp.w = np.ones((1, K_new)) / K_new if vp.optimize_mu: = mu else: = mu0.copy() new_vp.sigma = sigma new_vp.lambd = lambd # TODO: just set to None? new_vp.eta = np.ones((1, K_new)) / K_new new_vp.bounds = None new_vp.stats = None vp0_list.append(new_vp) return np.array(vp0_list), type_vec def _neg_elcbo( theta: np.ndarray, gp: gpr.GP, vp: VariationalPosterior, beta: float = 0.0, Ns: int = 0, compute_grad: bool = True, compute_var: int = None, theta_bnd: dict = None, _entropy_alpha: float = 0.0, separate_K: bool = False, ): """ Negative evidence lower confidence bound objective. Parameters ========== theta : np.ndarray Vector of variational parameters at which to evaluate NELCBO. Note that these should be transformed parameters. gp : GP Gaussian process from optimization vp : VariationalPosterior Variational posterior for which to evaluate NELCBO. beta : float, defaults to 0.0 Confidence weight. Ns : int, defaults to 0 Number of samples for entropy. compute_grad : bool, defaults to True Whether to compute gradient. compute_var : bool, optional Whether to compute variance. If not given this is determined automatically. theta_bnd : dict, optional Soft bounds for theta. entropy_alpha : float, defaults to 0.0 (currently unused) Parameter for lower/upper deterministic entropy interpolation. separate_K : bool, defaults to False Whether to return expected log joint per component. Returns ======= F : float Negative evidence lower confidence bound objective. dF : np.ndarray Gradient of NELCBO. G : object The expected variational log joint probability. H : float Entropy term. varF : float Variance of NELCBO. dH : np.ndarray Gradient of entropy term. varG_ss : Variance of the expected variational log joint, for each GP hyperparameter sample. varG : Variance of the expected variational log joint probability. varH : float Variance of entropy term. I_sk : np.ndarray The contribution to ``G`` per GP hyperparameter sample and per VP component. J_sjk : np.ndarray The contribution to ``varG`` per GP hyperparameter sample and per pair of VP components. """ if not np.isfinite(beta): beta = 0 if compute_var is None: compute_var = beta != 0 if compute_grad and beta != 0 and compute_var != 2: raise NotImplementedError( "Computation of the gradient of ELBO with full variance not " "supported" ) K = vp.K # Average over multiple GP hyperparameters if provided avg_flag = 1 # Variational parameters are transformed jacobian_flag = 1 # Reformat variational parameters from theta. vp.set_parameters(theta) if vp.optimize_weights: vp.eta = theta[-K:] vp.eta -= np.amax(vp.eta) vp.eta = np.reshape(vp.eta, (1, -1)) # Doing the above is more numerically robust than # below, but it might cause slightly different results # to MATLAB in some cases. # vp.eta = np.reshape(theta[-K:], (1, -1)) # Which gradients should be computed, if any? if compute_grad: grad_flags = ( vp.optimize_mu, vp.optimize_sigma, vp.optimize_lambd, vp.optimize_weights, ) else: grad_flags = (False, False, False, False) # Only weight optimization? # Not currently used, since it is only a speed optimization. # onlyweights_flag = ( # vp.optimize_weights # and not vp.optimize_mu # and not vp.optimize_sigma # and not vp.optimize_lambd # ) # Missing port: block below does not have branches for only weight # optimization if separate_K: if compute_grad: raise ValueError( "Computing the gradient of variational parameters and " "requesting per-component results at the same time." ) if compute_var: G, _, varG, _, varG_ss, I_sk, J_sjk = _gp_log_joint( vp, gp, grad_flags, avg_flag, jacobian_flag, compute_var, True, ) else: G, dG, _, _, _, I_sk, _ = _gp_log_joint( vp, gp, grad_flags, avg_flag, jacobian_flag, 0, True ) varG = varG_ss = 0 J_sjk = None else: if compute_var: if compute_grad: G, dG, varG, dvarG, varG_ss = _gp_log_joint( vp, gp, grad_flags, avg_flag, jacobian_flag, compute_var, ) else: G, _, varG, _, varG_ss = _gp_log_joint( vp, gp, grad_flags, avg_flag, jacobian_flag, compute_var, ) else: G, dG, _, _, _ = _gp_log_joint( vp, gp, grad_flags, avg_flag, jacobian_flag, 0 ) varG = varG_ss = 0 # Entropy term if Ns > 0: # Monte carlo approximation H, dH = entmc_vbmc(vp, Ns, grad_flags, jacobian_flag) else: # Deterministic approximation via lower bound on the entropy H, dH = entlb_vbmc(vp, grad_flags, jacobian_flag) # Negative ELBO and its gradient F = -G - H if compute_grad: dF = -dG - dH else: dF = None dH = None # For the moment use zero variance for entropy varH = 0 if compute_var: varF = varG + varH else: varF = 0 # Negative ELCBO (add confidence bound) if beta != 0: F += beta * np.sqrt(varF) if compute_grad: dF += 0.5 * beta * dvarG / np.sqrt(varF) # Additional loss for variational parameter bound violation (soft bounds) # and for weight size (if optimizing mixture weights) # Only done when optimizing the variational parameters, but not when # computing the EL(C)BO at each iteration. if theta_bnd is not None: if compute_grad: L, dL = _vp_bound_loss( vp, theta, theta_bnd, tol_con=theta_bnd["tol_con"] ) dF += dL else: L = _vp_bound_loss( vp, theta, theta_bnd, tol_con=theta_bnd["tol_con"], compute_grad=False, ) F += L # Penalty to reduce weight size. if vp.optimize_weights: thresh = theta_bnd["weight_threshold"] L = ( np.sum(vp.w * (vp.w < thresh) + thresh * (vp.w >= thresh)) * theta_bnd["weight_penalty"] ) F += L if compute_grad: w_grad = theta_bnd["weight_penalty"] * (vp.w.ravel() < thresh) eta_sum = np.sum(np.exp(vp.eta)) J_w = ( -np.exp(vp.eta).T * np.exp(vp.eta) / eta_sum**2 ) + np.diag(np.exp(vp.eta.ravel()) / eta_sum) w_grad =, w_grad) dL = np.zeros(dF.shape) dL[-vp.K :] = w_grad dF += dL # Missing port: way to return stuff here is not that good, # though it works currently. if separate_K: return F, dF, G, H, varF, dH, varG_ss, varG, varH, I_sk, J_sjk return F, dF, G, H, varF def _gp_log_joint( vp: VariationalPosterior, gp: gpr.GP, grad_flags, avg_flag: bool = True, jacobian_flag: bool = True, compute_var: bool = False, separate_K: bool = False, ): """ Expected variational log joint probability via GP approximation. Parameters ========== vp : VariationalPosterior Variational posterior. gp : GP Gaussian process from optimization. grad_flags : object Flags on which gradients to compute. If a boolean then this sets all flags to the boolean value, and if a 4-tuple then each entry specifies which gradients to compute, in order mu, sigma, lambd, w. avg_flag : bool, defaults to True Whether to average over multiple GP hyperparameters if provided. jacobian_flag : bool, defaults to True Whether variational parameters are transformed. compute_var : bool, defaults to False Whether to compute variance. separate_K : bool, defaults to False Whether to return expected log joint per component. Returns ======= G : object The expected variational log joint probability. dG : np.ndarray The gradient. varG : np.ndarray, optional The variance. dvarG : np.ndarray, optional The gradient of the variance. var_ss : float Variance for each GP hyperparameter sample. I_sk : np.ndarray The contribution to ``G`` per GP hyperparameter sample and per VP component. J_sjk : np.ndarray The contribution to ``varG`` per GP hyperparameter sample and per pair of VP components. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the diagonal approximation of the gradient is requested (``compute_var == 2``) or if the gradient of the variance is requested without the diagonal approximation. """ if np.isscalar(grad_flags): if grad_flags: grad_flags = (True, True, True, True) else: grad_flags = (False, False, False, False) compute_vargrad = compute_var and np.any(grad_flags) if compute_vargrad and compute_var != 2: raise NotImplementedError( "Computation of gradient of log joint variance is currently " "available only for diagonal approximation of the variance." ) D = vp.D K = vp.K N = gp.X.shape[0] mu = sigma = vp.sigma.copy() lambd = vp.lambd.copy().reshape(-1, 1) w = vp.w.copy()[0, :] Ns = len(gp.posteriors) # TODO: once we get more mean function add a check here # if all(gp.meanfun ~= [0,1,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22]) # error('gp_log_joint:UnsupportedMeanFun', ... # 'Log joint computation currently only supports zero, constant, # negative quadratic, negative quadratic (fixed/isotropic), # negative quadratic-only, or squared exponential mean functions.'); # end # Which mean function is being used? quadratic_meanfun = isinstance( gp.mean, gpr.mean_functions.NegativeQuadratic ) G = np.zeros((Ns,)) # Check which gradients are computed if grad_flags[0]: mu_grad = np.zeros((D, K, Ns)) if grad_flags[1]: sigma_grad = np.zeros((K, Ns)) if grad_flags[2]: lambd_grad = np.zeros((D, Ns)) if grad_flags[3]: w_grad = np.zeros((K, Ns)) if compute_var: varG = np.zeros((Ns,)) # Compute gradient of variance? if compute_vargrad: # TODO: compute vargrad is untested if grad_flags[0]: mu_vargrad = np.zeros((D, K, Ns)) if grad_flags[1]: sigma_vargrad = np.zeros((K, Ns)) if grad_flags[2]: lambd_vargrad = np.zeros((D, Ns)) if grad_flags[3]: w_vargrad = np.zeros((K, Ns)) # Store contribution to the jog joint separately for each component? if separate_K: I_sk = np.zeros((Ns, K)) if compute_var: J_sjk = np.zeros((Ns, K, K)) Xt = np.zeros((K, D, N)) for k in range(0, K): Xt[k, :, :] = np.reshape(mu[:, k], (-1, 1)) - gp.X.T # Number of GP hyperparameters cov_N = gp.covariance.hyperparameter_count(D) # mean_N = gp.mean.hyperparameter_count(D) noise_N = gp.noise.hyperparameter_count() # Loop over hyperparameter samples. # Missing port: below loop does not have code related to mean functions # we haven't implemented in gpyreg for s in range(0, Ns): hyp = gp.posteriors[s].hyp # Extract GP hyperparameters from hyperparameter array. ell = np.exp(hyp[0:D]).reshape(-1, 1) ln_sf2 = 2 * hyp[D] sum_lnell = np.sum(hyp[0:D]) # GP mean function hyperparameters if isinstance(gp.mean, gpr.mean_functions.ZeroMean): m0 = 0 else: m0 = hyp[cov_N + noise_N] if quadratic_meanfun: xm = hyp[cov_N + noise_N + 1 : cov_N + noise_N + D + 1].reshape( -1, 1 ) omega = np.exp(hyp[cov_N + noise_N + D + 1 :]).reshape(-1, 1) # GP posterior parameters alpha = gp.posteriors[s].alpha L = gp.posteriors[s].L L_chol = gp.posteriors[s].L_chol sn2_eff = 1 / gp.posteriors[s].sW[0] ** 2 for k in range(0, K): tau_k = np.sqrt(sigma[:, k] ** 2 * lambd**2 + ell**2) lnnf_k = ( ln_sf2 + sum_lnell - np.sum(np.log(tau_k), axis=0) ) # Covariance normalization factor delta_k = Xt[k, :, :] / tau_k z_k = np.exp(lnnf_k - 0.5 * np.sum(delta_k**2, axis=0)) I_k =, alpha).item() + m0 if quadratic_meanfun: nu_k = ( -0.5 * np.sum( 1 / omega**2 * ( mu[:, k : k + 1] ** 2 + sigma[:, k] ** 2 * lambd**2 - 2 * mu[:, k : k + 1] * xm + xm**2 ), axis=0, ).item() ) I_k += nu_k G[s] += w[k] * I_k if separate_K: I_sk[s, k] = I_k if grad_flags[0]: dz_dmu = -(delta_k / tau_k) * z_k mu_grad[:, k, s : s + 1] = w[k] *, alpha) if quadratic_meanfun: mu_grad[:, k, s : s + 1] -= ( w[k] / omega**2 * (mu[:, k : k + 1] - xm) ) if grad_flags[1]: dz_dsigma = ( np.sum((lambd / tau_k) ** 2 * (delta_k**2 - 1), axis=0) * sigma[:, k] * z_k ) sigma_grad[k, s] = w[k] *, alpha).item() if quadratic_meanfun: sigma_grad[k, s] -= ( w[k] * sigma[0, k] * np.sum(1 / omega**2 * lambd**2, axis=0).item() ) if grad_flags[2]: dz_dlambd = ( (sigma[:, k] / tau_k) ** 2 * (delta_k**2 - 1) * (lambd * z_k) ) lambd_grad[:, s : s + 1] += w[k] *, alpha) if quadratic_meanfun: lambd_grad[:, s : s + 1] -= ( w[k] * sigma[:, k] ** 2 / omega**2 * lambd ) if grad_flags[3]: w_grad[k, s] = I_k if compute_var == 2: # Missing port: compute_var == 2 skipped since it is not used raise NotImplementedError( "Diagonal approximation of GP log-joint variance not implemented." ) elif compute_var: for j in range(0, k + 1): tau_j = np.sqrt(sigma[:, j] ** 2 * lambd**2 + ell**2) lnnf_j = ln_sf2 + sum_lnell - np.sum(np.log(tau_j), axis=0) delta_j = (mu[:, j : j + 1] - gp.X.T) / tau_j z_j = np.exp(lnnf_j - 0.5 * np.sum(delta_j**2, axis=0)) tau_jk = np.sqrt( (sigma[:, j] ** 2 + sigma[:, k] ** 2) * lambd**2 + ell**2 ) lnnf_jk = ln_sf2 + sum_lnell - np.sum(np.log(tau_jk)) delta_jk = (mu[:, j : j + 1] - mu[:, k : k + 1]) / tau_jk J_jk = np.exp( lnnf_jk - 0.5 * np.sum(delta_jk**2, axis=0).item() ) if L_chol: J_jk -= z_k, sp.linalg.solve_triangular( L, sp.linalg.solve_triangular( L, z_j, trans=1, check_finite=False ), trans=0, check_finite=False, ) / sn2_eff, ) else: J_jk +=,, z_j.T)) # Off-diagonal elements are symmetric (count twice) if j == k: varG[s] += w[k] ** 2 * np.maximum(np.spacing(1), J_jk) if separate_K: J_sjk[s, k, k] = J_jk else: varG[s] += 2 * w[j] * w[k] * J_jk if separate_K: J_sjk[s, j, k] = J_jk J_sjk[s, k, j] = J_jk # Correct for numerical error if compute_var: varG = np.maximum(varG, np.spacing(1)) else: varG = None if np.any(grad_flags): grad_list = [] if grad_flags[0]: mu_grad = np.reshape(mu_grad, (D * K, Ns), order="F") grad_list.append(mu_grad) # Correct for standard log reparametrization of sigma if jacobian_flag and grad_flags[1]: sigma_grad *= np.reshape(sigma, (-1, 1)) grad_list.append(sigma_grad) # Correct for standard log reparametrization of lambd if jacobian_flag and grad_flags[2]: lambd_grad *= lambd grad_list.append(lambd_grad) # Correct for standard softmax reparametrization of w if jacobian_flag and grad_flags[3]: eta_sum = np.sum(np.exp(vp.eta)) J_w = ( -np.exp(vp.eta).T * np.exp(vp.eta) / eta_sum**2 + np.diag(np.exp(vp.eta.ravel())) / eta_sum ) w_grad =, w_grad) grad_list.append(w_grad) dG = np.concatenate(grad_list, axis=0) else: dG = None if compute_vargrad: # TODO: compute vargrad is untested vargrad_list = [] if grad_flags[0]: mu_vargrad = np.reshape(mu_vargrad, (D * K, Ns)) vargrad_list.append(mu_vargrad) # Correct for standard log reparametrization of sigma if jacobian_flag and grad_flags[1]: sigma_vargrad *= np.reshape(sigma_vargrad, (-1, 1)) vargrad_list.append(sigma_vargrad) # Correct for standard log reparametrization of lambd if jacobian_flag and grad_flags[2]: lambd_vargrad *= lambd vargrad_list.append(lambd_vargrad) # Correct for standard softmax reparametrization of w if jacobian_flag and grad_flags[3]: w_vargrad =, w_vargrad) vargrad_list.append(w_vargrad) dvarG = np.concatenate(grad_list, axis=0) else: dvarG = None # Average multiple hyperparameter samples var_ss = 0 if Ns > 1 and avg_flag: G_bar = np.sum(G) / Ns if compute_var: # Estimated variance of the samples varG_ss = np.sum((G - G_bar) ** 2) / (Ns - 1) # Variability due to sampling var_ss = varG_ss + np.std(varG, ddof=1) varG = np.sum(varG, axis=0) / Ns + varG_ss if compute_vargrad: # TODO: compute vargrad is untested dvv = 2 * np.sum(G * dG, axis=1) / (Ns - 1) - 2 * G_bar * np.sum( dG, axis=1 ) / (Ns - 1) dvarG = np.sum(dvarG, axis=1) / Ns + dvv G = G_bar if np.any(grad_flags): dG = np.sum(dG, axis=1) / Ns # Drop extra dims if Ns == 1 if Ns == 1: G = G[0] if np.any(grad_flags): dG = dG[:, 0] if separate_K: return G, dG, varG, dvarG, var_ss, I_sk, J_sjk return G, dG, varG, dvarG, var_ss