Source code for pyvbmc.vbmc.active_sample

import copy
import logging
import math

import cma
import gpyreg as gpr
import numpy as np

from pyvbmc.acquisition_functions import AbstractAcqFcn
from pyvbmc.acquisition_functions.utilities import string_to_acq
from pyvbmc.function_logger import FunctionLogger
from pyvbmc.stats import get_hpd
from pyvbmc.timer import main_timer as timer
from pyvbmc.variational_posterior import VariationalPosterior
from pyvbmc.vbmc.active_importance_sampling import active_importance_sampling
from pyvbmc.vbmc.gaussian_process_train import reupdate_gp, train_gp
from pyvbmc.vbmc.iteration_history import IterationHistory
from pyvbmc.vbmc.variational_optimization import (

from .options import Options

[docs] def active_sample( gp: gpr.GP, sample_count: int, optim_state: dict, function_logger: FunctionLogger, iteration_history: IterationHistory, vp: VariationalPosterior, options: Options, ): """ Actively sample points iteratively based on acquisition function. Parameters ---------- gp : GaussianProcess The GaussianProcess from the VBMC instance this function is called from. sample_count : int The number of samples. optim_state : dict The optim_state from the VBMC instance this function is called from. function_logger : FunctionLogger The FunctionLogger from the VBMC instance this function is called from. iteration_history : IterationHistory The IterationHistory from the VBMC instance this function is called from. vp : VariationalPosterior The VariationalPosterior from the VBMC instance this function is called from. options : Options Options from the VBMC instance this function is called from. Returns ------- function_logger : FunctionLogger The updated FunctionLogger. optim_state : dict The updated optim_state. vp : VariationalPosterior The updated VP. gp : gpyreg.GaussianProcess The updated GP. """ # Logging logger = logging.getLogger("ActiveSample") logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) if options.get("display") == "off": logger.setLevel(logging.WARN) elif options.get("display") == "iter": logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) elif options.get("display") == "full": logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) parameter_transformer = function_logger.parameter_transformer if gp is None: # No GP yet, just use provided points or sample from plausible box. # TODO: if the uncertainty_level is 2 the user needs to fill in # the cache for the noise S (not just for y) at each x0 # this is also not implemented in MATLAB yet. x0 = optim_state["cache"]["x_orig"] provided_sample_count, D = x0.shape if provided_sample_count <= sample_count: Xs = np.copy(x0) ys = np.copy(optim_state["cache"]["y_orig"]) if provided_sample_count < sample_count: pub_tran = optim_state.get("pub_tran") plb_tran = optim_state.get("plb_tran") if options.get("init_design") == "plausible": # Uniform random samples in the plausible box # (in transformed space) random_Xs = ( np.random.rand(sample_count - provided_sample_count, D) * (pub_tran - plb_tran) + plb_tran ) elif options.get("init_design") == "narrow": start_Xs = parameter_transformer(Xs[0]) random_Xs = ( np.random.rand(sample_count - provided_sample_count, D) - 0.5 ) * 0.1 * (pub_tran - plb_tran) + start_Xs random_Xs = np.minimum( (np.maximum(random_Xs, plb_tran)), pub_tran ) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown initial design for VBMC. " "The option 'init_design' must be 'plausible' or " "'narrow' but was {}.".format( options.get("init_design") ) ) # Convert back to original space random_Xs = parameter_transformer.inverse(random_Xs) Xs = np.append(Xs, random_Xs, axis=0) ys = np.append( ys, np.full(sample_count - provided_sample_count, np.NaN), axis=0, ) idx_remove = np.full(provided_sample_count, True) else: # In the MATLAB implementation there is a cluster algorithm being # used to pick the best points, but we decided not to implement that # yet and just pick the first sample_count points Xs = np.copy(x0[:sample_count]) ys = np.copy(optim_state["cache"]["y_orig"][:sample_count]) idx_remove = np.full(provided_sample_count, True) "More than sample_count=%s initial points have been " "provided, using only the first %s points.", sample_count, sample_count, ) # Remove points from starting cache optim_state["cache"]["x_orig"] = np.delete( optim_state["cache"]["x_orig"], np.where(idx_remove), 0 ) optim_state["cache"]["y_orig"] = np.delete( optim_state["cache"]["y_orig"], np.where(idx_remove), 0 ) Xs = parameter_transformer(Xs) for idx in range(sample_count): if np.isnan(ys[idx]): # Function value is not available function_logger(Xs[idx]) else: function_logger.add(Xs[idx], ys[idx]) else: # active uncertainty sampling SearchAcqFcn = options["search_acq_fcn"] ### (unused, TODO) # Use "hedge" strategy to propose an acquisition function? ### # Compute time cost (used by some acquisition functions) # if optim_state["iter"] > 1: # deltaN_eff = max( # 1, # iteration_history["optim_state"][optim_state["iter"] - 1][ # "n_eff" # ] # - iteration_history["optim_state"][optim_state["iter"] - 2][ # "n_eff" # ], # ) # else: # deltaN_eff = iteration_history["optim_state"][0]["n_eff"] # time_iter = iteration_history["timer"][optim_state["iter"] - 1] # gpTrain_vec = [None] * len(iteration_history["timer"]) # for i, (_, v) in enumerate(iteration_history["timer"].items()): # gpTrain_vec[i] = v["gpTrain"] ### # if options.ActiveVariationalSamples > 0 % Unused ### # Perform GP (and possibly variational) update after each active sample active_sample_full_update = ( options["active_sample_vp_update"] or options["active_sample_gp_update"] ) and ( ( optim_state["iter"] - options["active_sample_full_update_past_warmup"] <= optim_state["last_warmup"] ) or iteration_history["r_index"][-1] > options["active_sample_full_update_threshold"] ) if active_sample_full_update and sample_count > 1: # Temporarily change options for local updates recompute_var_post_old = optim_state["recompute_var_post"] entropy_alpha_old = optim_state["entropy_alpha"] options_update = copy.deepcopy(options) options_update.__setitem__( "gp_tol_opt", options["gp_tol_opt_active"], force=True ) options_update.__setitem__( "gp_tol_opt_mcmc", options["gp_tol_opt_mcmc_active"], force=True, ) options_update.__setitem__("tol_weight", 0, force=True) options_update.__setitem__( "ns_ent", options["ns_ent_active"], force=True ) options_update.__setitem__( "ns_ent_fast", options["ns_ent_fast_active"], force=True ) options_update.__setitem__( "ns_ent_fine", options["ns_ent_fine_active"], force=True ) hyp_dict = None vp0 = copy.deepcopy(vp) ## Active sampling loop (sequentially acquire Ns new points) for i in range(sample_count): optim_state["N"] = ( function_logger.Xn + 1 ) # Number of training inputs optim_state["N_eff"] = sum( function_logger.n_evals[function_logger.X_flag] ) ### # if options.ActiveVariationalSamples > 0 % Unused ### ### # Nextra = evaloption_vbmc(options.SampleExtraVPMeans,vp.K); # if Nextra > 0 % Unused ### if not options["acq_hedge"]: # If multiple acquisition functions are provided and not # following a "hedge" strategy, pick one at random idx_acq = np.random.randint(len(SearchAcqFcn)) ## Pre-computations for acquisition functions # Evaluate noise at each training point Ns_gp = np.size(gp.posteriors) sn2new = np.zeros((gp.X.shape[0], Ns_gp)) cov_N = gp.covariance.hyperparameter_count(gp.D) noise_N = gp.noise.hyperparameter_count() for s in range(Ns_gp): hyp_noise = gp.posteriors[s].hyp[cov_N : cov_N + noise_N] if hasattr(function_logger, "S"): s2 = ( function_logger.S[function_logger.X_flag] ** 2 ) * function_logger.n_evals[function_logger.X_flag] else: s2 = None # Missing port: noise_shaping sn2new[:, s] = gp.noise.compute( hyp_noise, gp.X, gp.y, s2 ).reshape( -1, ) gp.temporary_data["sn2_new"] = sn2new.mean(1) # Evaluate GP input length scale (use geometric mean) D = gp.D ln_ell = np.zeros((D, Ns_gp)) for s in range(Ns_gp): ln_ell[:, s] = gp.posteriors[s].hyp[:D] optim_state["gp_length_scale"] = np.exp(ln_ell.mean(1)) # Rescale GP training inputs by GP length scale gp.temporary_data["X_rescaled"] = ( gp.X / optim_state["gp_length_scale"] ) ### Missing port: line 185-205 ## Start active search # Create fast search set from cache and randomly generated X_search, idx_cache = _get_search_points( options["ns_search"], optim_state, function_logger, vp, options ) X_search = AbstractAcqFcn._real2int( X_search, parameter_transformer, optim_state["integer_vars"] ) if type(SearchAcqFcn[idx_acq]) == str: acq_eval = string_to_acq(SearchAcqFcn[idx_acq]) else: acq_eval = SearchAcqFcn[idx_acq] # Prepare for importance sampling based acquistion function if acq_eval.acq_info.get("importance_sampling"): optim_state[ "active_importance_sampling" ] = active_importance_sampling(vp, gp, acq_eval, options) # Re-evaluate variance of the log joint if requested if acq_eval.acq_info.get("compute_var_log_joint"): varF = _gp_log_joint(vp, gp, 0, 0, 0, 1)[2] optim_state["var_log_joint_samples"] = varF # Evaluate acquisition function acq_fast = acq_eval(X_search, gp, vp, function_logger, optim_state) if options["search_cache_frac"] > 0: inds = np.argsort(acq_fast) optim_state["search_cache"] = X_search[inds] idx = inds[0] else: idx = np.argmin(acq_fast) X_acq = X_search[[idx]] idx_cache_acq = idx_cache[idx] # Remove selected points from search set X_search = np.delete(X_search, idx, 0) idx_cache = np.delete(idx_cache, idx, 0) acq_fun = lambda X: acq_eval( X, gp, vp, function_logger, optim_state ).item() # Additional search via optimization if options["search_optimizer"] != "none": if gp.D == 1: # Use Nelder-Mead method for 1D optimization options.__setitem__( "search_optimizer", "Nelder-Mead", force=True ) f_val_old = acq_fast[idx] x0 = X_acq[0, :] if ( np.isfinite(optim_state["lb_search"]).all() and np.isfinite(optim_state["ub_search"]).all() ): lb_search = np.minimum(x0, optim_state["lb_search"]) ub_search = np.maximum(x0, optim_state["ub_search"]) else: xrange = gp.X.max(0) - gp.X.min(0) lb_search = np.minimum(gp.X, x0) - 0.1 * xrange ub_search = np.maximum(gp.X, x0) + 0.1 * xrange if acq_eval.acq_info.get("log_flag"): tol_fun = 1e-2 else: tol_fun = max(1e-12, abs(f_val_old * 1e-3)) if options["search_optimizer"] == "cmaes": if options["search_cmaes_vp_init"]: _, Sigma = vp.moments(orig_flag=False, cov_flag=True) else: X_hpd = get_hpd(gp.X, gp.y, options["hpd_frac"])[0] Sigma = np.cov(X_hpd, rowvar=False, bias=True) insigma = np.sqrt(np.diag(Sigma)) cma_options = { "verbose": -9, "tolfun": tol_fun, "maxfevals": options["search_max_fun_evals"], "bounds": (lb_search.squeeze(), ub_search.squeeze()), "seed": np.nan, } res = cma.fmin( acq_fun, x0, np.max(insigma), options=cma_options, noise_handler=cma.NoiseHandler(np.size(x0)), ) xsearch_optim, f_val_optim = res[:2] elif options["search_optimizer"] == "Nelder-Mead": from scipy.optimize import minimize res = minimize( acq_fun, x0, method="Nelder-Mead", tol=tol_fun ) xsearch_optim, f_val_optim = res.x, else: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented yet") if f_val_optim < f_val_old: X_acq[0, :] = AbstractAcqFcn._real2int( xsearch_optim, parameter_transformer, optim_state["integer_vars"], ) idx_cache_acq = np.nan # region ## Missing port # if ( # options["uncertainty_handling"] # and options["max_repeated_observations"] > 0 # ): # if ( # optim_state["repeated_observations_streak"] # >= options["max_repeated_observations"] # ): # # Maximum number of consecutive repeated observations # # (to prevent getting stuck in a wrong belief state) # optim_state["repeated_observations_streak"] = 0 # else: # from pyvbmc.vbmc.gaussian_process_train import ( # _get_training_data, # ) # # Re-evaluate acquisition function on training set # X_train = _get_training_data(function_logger) # # Disable variance-based regularization first # oldflag = optim_state["variance_regularized_acq_fcn"] # optim_state["variance_regularized_acq_fcn"] = False # # Use current cost of GP instead of future cost # old_t_algo_per_fun_eval = optim_state["t_algo_per_fun_eval"] # optim_state["t_algo_per_fun_eval"] = t_base / deltaN_eff # acq_train = acq_eval( # X_train, gp, vp, function_logger, optim_state # ) # optim_state["variance_regularized_acq_fcn"] = oldflag # optim_state["t_algo_per_fun_eval"] = old_t_algo_per_fun_eval # idx_train = np.argmin(acq_train) # acq_train = acq_train[idx_train] # acq_now = acq_eval( # X_acq[0], gp, vp, function_logger, optim_state # ) # if acq_train < options["repeated_acq_discount"]*acq_now: # X_acq[0] = X_train[idx_train] # optim_state["repeated_observations_streak"] += 1 # else: # optim_state["repeated_observations_streak"] = 0 # endregion # Missing port: line 356-361, unused? xnew = X_acq # See if chosen point comes from starting cache idx = idx_cache_acq if np.isnan(idx): y_orig = np.nan else: idx = int(idx) y_orig = optim_state["cache"]["y_orig"][idx] timer.start_timer("fun_time") if np.isnan(y_orig): # Function value is not available, evaluate ynew, _, idx_new = function_logger(xnew) else: ynew, _, idx_new = function_logger.add(xnew, y_orig) # Remove point from starting cache optim_state["cache"]["x_orig"] = np.delete( optim_state["cache"]["x_orig"], idx, 0 ) optim_state["cache"]["y_orig"] = np.delete( optim_state["cache"]["y_orig"], idx, 0 ) timer.stop_timer("fun_time") if hasattr(function_logger, "S"): s2new = function_logger.S[idx_new] ** 2 else: s2new = None ## Missing port: line 392-402 in matlab if i + 1 < sample_count: # If not the last sample, update GP and possibly other things # (no need perform updates after the last sample) if active_sample_full_update: # If performing full updates with active sampling, the GP # hyperparameters are updated after each acquisition # Quick GP update if hyp_dict is None: hyp_dict = optim_state["hyp_dict"] # Missing port: line 425-432 in matlab (unused) gptmp = None fESS, fESS_thresh = 0, 1 if fESS <= fESS_thresh: timer.start_timer("gp_train") if options["active_sample_gp_update"]: ( gp, __, optim_state["sn2_hpd"], optim_state["hyp_dict"], ) = train_gp( hyp_dict, optim_state, function_logger, iteration_history, options_update, optim_state["plb_tran"], optim_state["pub_tran"], ) timer.stop_timer("gp_train") else: if gptmp is None: gp = reupdate_gp(function_logger, gp) else: gp = gptmp if options["active_sample_vp_update"]: # Quick variational optimization timer.start_timer("variational_fit") # Decide number of fast optimizations N_fastopts = math.ceil( options_update["ns_elbo_incr"] * options_update["ns_elbo"](vp.K) ) if options["update_random_alpha"]: optim_state["entropy_alpha"] = 1 - np.sqrt( np.random.rand() ) vp, _, _ = optimize_vp( options_update, optim_state, vp, gp, N_fastopts, slow_opts_N=1, ) if optim_state.get("vp_repo") is not None: np.append( optim_state["vp_repo"], vp.get_parameters() ) else: optim_state["vp_repo"] = [vp.get_parameters()] timer.stop_timer("variational_fit") else: gp = gptmp else: # If NOT performing full updates with active sampling, only # the GP posterior is updated (but not the hyperparameters) # Perform simple rank-1 update if no noise and first sample timer.start_timer("gp_train") update1 = ( (s2new is None) and function_logger.n_evals[idx_new] == 1 ) and not options["noise_shaping"] if update1: ynew = np.array([[ynew]]) # (1,1) gp.update(xnew, ynew, compute_posterior=True) # gp.t(end+1) = tnew else: gp = reupdate_gp(function_logger, gp) timer.stop_timer("gp_train") # Check if active search bounds need to be expanded delta_search = 0.05 * ( optim_state["ub_search"] - optim_state["lb_search"] ) # ADD DIFFERENT CHECKS FOR INTEGER VARIABLES! idx = np.abs(xnew - optim_state["lb_search"]) < delta_search optim_state["lb_search"][idx] = np.maximum( optim_state["lb_tran"][idx], optim_state["lb_search"][idx] - delta_search[idx], ) idx = np.abs(xnew - optim_state["ub_search"]) < delta_search optim_state["ub_search"][idx] = np.minimum( optim_state["ub_tran"][idx], optim_state["ub_search"][idx] + delta_search[idx], ) # Hard lower/upper bounds on search (unused) prange = optim_state["pub_tran"] - optim_state["plb_tran"] LB_searchmin = np.maximum( optim_state["plb_tran"] - 2 * prange * options["active_search_bound"], optim_state["lb_tran"], ) UB_searchmin = np.minimum( optim_state["pub_tran"] + 2 * prange * options["active_search_bound"], optim_state["ub_tran"], ) if active_sample_full_update and sample_count > 1: # Reset optim_state optim_state["recompute_var_post"] = recompute_var_post_old optim_state["entropy_alpha"] = entropy_alpha_old optim_state["hyp_dict"] = hyp_dict # If variational posterior has changed, check if old variational # posterior is better than current theta0 = vp0.get_parameters() theta = vp.get_parameters() if (np.size(theta0) != np.size(theta)) or ( np.any(theta0 != theta) ): NSentFineK = math.ceil( options["ns_ent_fine_active"](vp0.K) / vp0.K ) elbo0 = -_neg_elcbo( theta0, gp, vp0, 0.0, NSentFineK, False, True )[0] if elbo0 > vp.stats["elbo"]: vp = vp0 return function_logger, optim_state, vp, gp
def _get_search_points( number_of_points: int, optim_state: dict, function_logger: FunctionLogger, vp: VariationalPosterior, options: Options, ): """ Get search points from starting cache or randomly generated. Parameters ---------- number_of_points : int The number of points to return. optim_state : dict The optim_state from the VBMC instance this function is called from. function_logger : FunctionLogger The FunctionLogger from the VBMC instance this function is called from. vp : VariationalPosterior The VariationalPosterior from the VBMC instance this function is called from. options : Options Options from the VBMC instance this function is called from. Returns ------- search_X : ndarray, shape (number_of_points, D) The obtained search points. idx_cache : ndarray, shape (number_of_points,) The indicies of the search points if coming from the cache. Raises ------ ValueError When the options lead to more points sampled than requested, that means `search_X`.shape[0]` would be greater than `number_of_points``. """ # Take some points from starting cache, if not empty x0 = np.copy(optim_state["cache"]["x_orig"]) lb_search = optim_state.get("lb_search") ub_search = optim_state.get("ub_search") D = ub_search.shape[1] search_X = np.full((0, D), np.NaN) idx_cache = np.array([]) parameter_transformer = function_logger.parameter_transformer if x0.size > 0: # Fraction of points from cache (if nonempty) N_cache = math.ceil(number_of_points * options.get("cache_frac")) # idx_cache contains min(n_cache, x0.shape[0]) random indicies idx_cache = np.random.permutation(x0.shape[0])[ : min(N_cache, x0.shape[0]) ] search_X = parameter_transformer(x0[idx_cache]) # Randomly sample remaining points if x0.shape[0] < number_of_points: N_random_points = number_of_points - x0.shape[0] random_Xs = np.full((0, D), np.NaN) N_search_cache = round( options.get("search_cache_frac") * N_random_points ) if N_search_cache > 0: # Take points from search cache search_cache = optim_state.get("search_cache") random_Xs = np.append( random_Xs, search_cache[: min(len(search_cache), N_search_cache)], axis=0, ) N_heavy = round( options.get("heavy_tail_search_frac") * N_random_points ) if N_heavy > 0: heavy_Xs, _ = vp.sample( N=N_heavy, orig_flag=False, balance_flag=True, df=3 ) random_Xs = np.append(random_Xs, heavy_Xs, axis=0) N_mvn = round(options.get("mvn_search_frac") * N_random_points) if N_mvn > 0: mubar, sigmabar = vp.moments(orig_flag=False, cov_flag=True) mvn_Xs = np.random.multivariate_normal( np.ravel(mubar), sigmabar, size=N_mvn ) random_Xs = np.append(random_Xs, mvn_Xs, axis=0) N_hpd = round(options.get("hpd_search_frac") * N_random_points) if N_hpd > 0: hpd_min = options.get("hpd_frac") / 8 hpd_max = options.get("hpd_frac") hpd_fracs = np.sort( np.concatenate( ( np.random.uniform(size=4) * (hpd_max - hpd_min) + hpd_min, np.array([hpd_min, hpd_max]), ) ) ) N_hpd_vec = np.diff( np.round(np.linspace(0, N_hpd, len(hpd_fracs) + 1)) ) X = function_logger.X[function_logger.X_flag] y = function_logger.y[function_logger.X_flag] for idx in range(len(hpd_fracs)): if N_hpd_vec[idx] == 0: continue X_hpd, _, _, _ = get_hpd(X, y, hpd_fracs[idx]) if X_hpd.size == 0: idx_max = np.argmax(y) mubar = X[idx_max] # rowvar is so that each column represents a variable sigmabar = np.cov(X, rowvar=False) else: mubar = np.mean(X_hpd, axis=0) # normalize sigmabar by the number of observations # rowvar is so that each column represents a variable sigmabar = np.cov(X_hpd, bias=True, rowvar=False) # ensure sigmabar is of shape (D, D) if sigmabar.shape != (D, D): sigmabar = np.ones((D, D)) * sigmabar hpd_Xs = np.random.multivariate_normal( mubar, sigmabar, size=int(N_hpd_vec[idx]) ) random_Xs = np.append(random_Xs, hpd_Xs, axis=0) N_box = round(options.get("box_search_frac") * N_random_points) if N_box > 0: X = function_logger.X[function_logger.X_flag] X_diam = np.amax(X, axis=0) - np.amin(X, axis=0) plb_tran = optim_state.get("plb_tran") pub_tran = optim_state.get("pub_tran") if np.all(np.isfinite(lb_search)) and np.all( np.isfinite(ub_search) ): box_lb = lb_search box_ub = ub_search else: box_lb = plb_tran - 3 * (pub_tran - plb_tran) box_ub = pub_tran + 3 * (pub_tran - plb_tran) box_lb = np.maximum(np.amin(X, axis=0) - 0.5 * X_diam, box_lb) box_ub = np.minimum(np.amax(X, axis=0) + 0.5 * X_diam, box_ub) box_Xs = ( np.random.standard_normal((N_box, D)) * (box_ub - box_lb) + box_lb ) random_Xs = np.append(random_Xs, box_Xs, axis=0) # ensure that maximum N_random_points are sampled. if N_random_points < random_Xs.shape[0]: raise ValueError( "A maximum of {} points ".format(N_random_points), "should be randomly sampled but {} ".format( random_Xs.shape[0] ), "were sampled. Please validate the provided options.", ) # remaining samples N_vp = max( 0, N_random_points - N_search_cache - N_heavy - N_mvn - N_box - N_hpd, ) if N_vp > 0: vp_Xs, _ = vp.sample(N=N_vp, orig_flag=False, balance_flag=True) random_Xs = np.append(random_Xs, vp_Xs, axis=0) search_X = np.append(search_X, random_Xs, axis=0) idx_cache = np.append(idx_cache, np.full(N_random_points, np.nan)) # Apply search bounds search_X = np.minimum((np.maximum(search_X, lb_search)), ub_search) return search_X, idx_cache