Source code for pyvbmc.parameter_transformer.parameter_transformer

from textwrap import indent

import numpy as np
from scipy.special import erfc, erfcinv

from pyvbmc.decorators import handle_0D_1D_input
from pyvbmc.formatting import full_repr

[docs] class ParameterTransformer: """ A class used to enable transforming of variables from unconstrained to constrained space and vice versa. Parameters ---------- D : int The dimension of the space. lb_orig : np.ndarray, optional The lower bounds of the space. ``lb_orig`` and ``ub_orig`` define a set of strict lower and upper bounds for each parameter, given in the original space. By default `None`. ub_orig : np.ndarray, optional The upper bounds of the space. ``lb_orig`` and ``ub_orig`` define a set of strict lower and upper bounds for each parameter, given in the original space. By default `None`. plb_orig : np.ndarray, optional The plausible lower bounds such that ``lb_orig < plb_orig < pub_orig < ub_orig``. ``plb_orig`` and ``pub_orig`` represent a "plausible" range for each parameter, given in the original space. By default `None`. pub_orig : np.ndarray, optional The plausible upper bounds such that ``lb_orig < plb_orig < pub_orig < ub_orig``. ``plb_orig`` and ``pub_orig`` represent a "plausible" range for each parameter, given in the original space. By default `None`. bounded_transform_type : str, optional A string indicating the type of transform for bounded variables: one of ["logit", ("norminv" || "probit"), "student4"]. Default "logit". """ def __init__( self, D: int, lb_orig: np.ndarray = None, ub_orig: np.ndarray = None, plb_orig: np.ndarray = None, pub_orig: np.ndarray = None, scale: np.ndarray = None, rotation_matrix: np.ndarray = None, transform_type="logit", ): self.scale = scale self.R_mat = rotation_matrix # Empty LB and UB are Infs if lb_orig is None: lb_orig = np.ones((1, D)) * -np.inf if ub_orig is None: ub_orig = np.ones((1, D)) * np.inf # Empty plausible bounds equal hard bounds if plb_orig is None: plb_orig = np.copy(lb_orig) if pub_orig is None: pub_orig = np.copy(ub_orig) # Convert scalar inputs to row vectors (I do not think it is necessary) if not ( np.all(lb_orig <= plb_orig) and np.all(plb_orig < pub_orig) and np.all(pub_orig <= ub_orig) ): raise ValueError( """Variable bounds should be LB <= PLB < PUB <= UB for all variables.""" ) # Transform to log coordinates self.lb_orig = lb_orig self.ub_orig = ub_orig # Select and validate the type of transform: transform_types = { "logit": 3, "norminv": 12, "probit": 12, "student4": 13, } if type(transform_type) == str: try: bounded_type = transform_types[transform_type] except KeyError as exc: raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized bounded transform {transform_type}." ) from exc else: if transform_type not in transform_types.values(): raise ValueError( f"Unrecognized bounded transform {transform_type}." ) bounded_type = transform_type # Setup bounded transforms: self.bounded_types = [bounded_type] self._bounded_transforms = {} self._set_bounded_transforms() self.type = np.zeros((D)) for i in range(D): if ( np.isfinite(lb_orig[:, i]) and np.isfinite(ub_orig[:, i]) and lb_orig[:, i] < ub_orig[:, i] ): self.type[i] = bounded_type # Centering (at the end of the transform) = np.zeros(D) = np.ones(D) # Get transformed PLB and ULB if not ( np.all(plb_orig == self.lb_orig) and np.all(pub_orig == self.ub_orig) ): plb_tran = self.__call__(plb_orig) pub_tran = self.__call__(pub_orig) # Center in transformed space for i in range(D): if np.isfinite(plb_tran[0, i]) and np.isfinite(pub_tran[0, i]):[i] = 0.5 * (plb_tran[0, i] + pub_tran[0, i])[i] = pub_tran[0, i] - plb_tran[0, i]
[docs] @handle_0D_1D_input(patched_kwargs=["x"], patched_argpos=[0]) def __call__(self, x: np.ndarray): """ Performs direct transform of original variables ``x`` into unconstrained variables ``u``. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray A N x D array, where N is the number of input data and D is the number of dimensions Returns ------- u : np.ndarray The variables transformed to unconstrained variables. """ x = x.astype(float) u = np.copy(x) # Unbounded scalars (possibly center and rescale) mask = self.type == 0 if np.any(mask): u[:, mask] = (x[:, mask] -[mask]) /[mask] # Lower and upper bounded scalars for t in self.bounded_types: mask = self.type == t if np.any(mask): u[:, mask] = self._bounded_transforms[t]["direct"]( self, x, mask ) # Rotoscale whitening: # Rotate and rescale points in transformed space. if self.R_mat is not None: u = u @ self.R_mat if self.scale is not None: u = u / self.scale return u
[docs] @handle_0D_1D_input(patched_kwargs=["u"], patched_argpos=[0]) def inverse(self, u: np.ndarray): """ Performs inverse transform of unconstrained variables ``u`` into variables ``x`` in the original space Parameters ---------- u : np.ndarray The unconstrained variables that will be transformed. Returns ------- x : np.ndarray The original variables which result of the transformation. """ u = u.astype(float) x = np.copy(u) # Rotoscale whitening: # Undo rescaling and rotation. if self.scale is not None: x = x * self.scale if self.R_mat is not None: x = x @ np.transpose(self.R_mat) xNew = np.copy(x) # Unbounded scalars (possibly unscale and uncenter) mask = self.type == 0 if np.any(mask): xNew[:, mask] = x[:, mask] *[mask] +[mask] # Lower and upper bounded scalars for t in self.bounded_types: mask = self.type == t if np.any(mask): xNew[:, mask] = self._bounded_transforms[t]["inverse"]( self, x, mask ) return xNew
[docs] @handle_0D_1D_input( patched_kwargs=["u"], patched_argpos=[0], return_scalar=True ) def log_abs_det_jacobian(self, u: np.ndarray): r""" ``log_abs_det_jacobian(u)`` returns the log absolute value of the determinant of the Jacobian of the parameter transformation evaluated at ``u``, that is :math: `log \|D \du(g^-1(u))\|`. Parameters ---------- u : np.ndarray The points where the log determinant of the Jacobian should be evaluated (in transformed space). Returns ------- p : np.ndarray The log absolute determinant of the Jacobian. """ u = u.astype(float) u_c = np.copy(u) # Rotoscale whitening: # Undo rescaling and rotation. if self.scale is not None: u_c = u_c * self.scale if self.R_mat is not None: u_c = u_c @ np.transpose(self.R_mat) p = np.zeros(u_c.shape) # Unbounded scalars mask = self.type == 0 if np.any(mask): p[:, mask] = np.log([mask])[np.newaxis] # Lower and upper bounded scalars for t in self.bounded_types: mask = self.type == t if np.any(mask): p[:, mask] = self._bounded_transforms[t]["jacobian"]( self, u_c, mask ) # Whitening/rotoscaling density correction: if self.scale is not None: p = p + np.log(self.scale) p = np.sum(p, axis=1) return p
def _set_bounded_transforms(self): r"""Initialize functions for bounded transform(s) by type. Stores the resulting callables in a dictionary ``self._bounded_transforms[t][case]``, where ``t`` is the integer name of the transform type, and ``case`` is one of ``["direct", "inverse", "jacobian"]`` for the corresponding function. """ for t in self.bounded_types: self._bounded_transforms[t] = {} if t == 3: # logit def bounded_transform(self, x, mask): return _center( _logit( _to_unit_interval( x[:, mask], self.lb_orig[:, mask], self.ub_orig[:, mask], ) ),[mask],[mask], ) self._bounded_transforms[t]["direct"] = bounded_transform def bounded_inverse(self, u, mask): return _from_unit_interval( _inverse_logit( _uncenter( u[:, mask],[mask],[mask] ) ), self.lb_orig[:, mask], self.ub_orig[:, mask], ) self._bounded_transforms[t]["inverse"] = bounded_inverse def bounded_jacobian(self, u, mask): j1 = np.log(self.ub_orig[:, mask] - self.lb_orig[:, mask]) y = _uncenter(u[:, mask],[mask],[mask]) z = -np.log1p(np.exp(-y)) j2 = -y + 2 * z j3 = np.log([mask]) return j1 + j2 + j3 self._bounded_transforms[t]["jacobian"] = bounded_jacobian elif t == 12: # probit: inverse normal CDF (probit) transform (default) def bounded_transform(self, x, mask): return _center( _probit( _to_unit_interval( x[:, mask], self.lb_orig[:, mask], self.ub_orig[:, mask], ) ),[mask],[mask], ) self._bounded_transforms[t]["direct"] = bounded_transform def bounded_inverse(self, u, mask): return _from_unit_interval( _inverse_probit( _uncenter( u[:, mask],[mask],[mask] ) ), self.lb_orig[:, mask], self.ub_orig[:, mask], ) self._bounded_transforms[t]["inverse"] = bounded_inverse def bounded_jacobian(self, u, mask): j1 = np.log(self.ub_orig[:, mask] - self.lb_orig[:, mask]) y = _uncenter(u[:, mask],[mask],[mask]) j2 = -0.5 * np.log(2 * np.pi) - 0.5 * y**2 j3 = np.log([mask]) return j1 + j2 + j3 self._bounded_transforms[t]["jacobian"] = bounded_jacobian elif t == 13: # student4: Student's T with nu=4 CDF transform def bounded_transform(self, x, mask): return _center( _student4( _to_unit_interval( x[:, mask], self.lb_orig[:, mask], self.ub_orig[:, mask], ) ),[mask],[mask], ) self._bounded_transforms[t]["direct"] = bounded_transform def bounded_inverse(self, u, mask): return _from_unit_interval( _inverse_student4( _uncenter( u[:, mask],[mask],[mask] ) ), self.lb_orig[:, mask], self.ub_orig[:, mask], ) self._bounded_transforms[t]["inverse"] = bounded_inverse def bounded_jacobian(self, u, mask): j1 = np.log(self.ub_orig[:, mask] - self.lb_orig[:, mask]) y = _uncenter(u[:, mask],[mask],[mask]) j2 = np.log(3 / 8) - (5 / 2) * np.log1p(y**2 / 4) j3 = np.log([mask]) return j1 + j2 + j3 self._bounded_transforms[t]["jacobian"] = bounded_jacobian else: raise NotImplementedError def __eq__(self, other): return ( np.all(self.scale == self.scale) and np.all(self.R_mat == other.R_mat) and np.all(self.lb_orig == other.lb_orig) and np.all(self.ub_orig == other.ub_orig) and np.all(self.bounded_types == other.bounded_types) and np.all( self._bounded_transforms.keys() == other._bounded_transforms.keys() ) and np.all(self.type == other.type) and np.all( == and np.all( == ) def __str__(self): """Print a string summary.""" transform_names = { 0: "unbounded", 3: "logit", 12: "probit (norminv)", 13: "student4", } transforms = [transform_names[number] for number in self.type] return "ParameterTransformer:" + indent( f""" dimension = {self.lb_orig.shape[1]}, lower bounds = {self.lb_orig}, upper bounds = {self.ub_orig}, bounded transform type(s) = {transforms}""", " ", ) def __repr__(self, arr_size_thresh=10, expand=False): """Construct a detailed string summary. Parameters ---------- arr_size_thresh : float, optional If ``obj`` is an array whose product of dimensions is less than ``arr_size_thresh``, print the full array. Otherwise print only the shape. Default `10`. expand : bool, optional If ``expand`` is `False`, then describe any complex child attributes of the object by their name and memory location. Otherwise, recursively expand the child attributes into their own representations. Default `False`. Returns ------- string : str The string representation of ``self``. """ return full_repr( self, "ParameterTransformer", order=[ "lb_orig", "ub_orig", "type", "mu", "delta", "scale", "R_mat", ], expand=expand, arr_size_thresh=arr_size_thresh, )
def _to_unit_interval(x, lb, ub, safe=True): z = (x - lb) / (ub - lb) if safe: # Nudge points away from boundary mask = (z == 0) & (x != lb) if np.any(mask): z[mask] = np.nextafter(0, np.inf) mask = (z == 1) & (x != ub) if np.any(mask): z[mask] = np.nextafter(1, -np.inf) return z def _from_unit_interval(z, lb, ub, safe=True): y = z * (ub - lb) + lb if safe: # Nudge points away from boundary y = np.maximum(y, np.nextafter(lb, np.inf)) y = np.minimum(y, np.nextafter(ub, -np.inf)) return y def _center(u, mu, delta): return (u - mu) / delta def _uncenter(v, mu, delta): return v * delta + mu def _logit(z): # prevent divide by zero u = np.zeros_like(z) u[z == 0] = -np.inf u[z == 1] = np.inf u[u == 0] = np.log(z[u == 0] / (1 - z[u == 0])) return u def _inverse_logit(u): # prevent overflow z = np.zeros_like(u) mask = -u > np.log(np.finfo(np.float64).max) z[mask] = 0.0 z[~mask] = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-u[~mask])) return z def _probit(z): return -np.sqrt(2) * erfcinv(2 * z) def _inverse_probit(u): return 0.5 * erfc(-u / np.sqrt(2)) def _student4(z): aa = np.sqrt(4 * z * (1 - z)) # prevent divide by zero mask = aa == 0.0 q = np.zeros_like(z) q[mask] = np.inf q[~mask] = np.cos(np.arccos(aa[~mask]) / 3) / aa[~mask] return np.sign(z - 0.5) * (2 * np.sqrt(q - 1)) def _inverse_student4(u): t2 = u**2 return 0.5 + (3 / 8) * (u / np.sqrt(1 + t2 / 4)) * ( 1 - t2 / (1 + t2 / 4) / 12 )