Source code for pyvbmc.acquisition_functions.acq_fcn_imiqr

import gpyreg as gpr
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import solve_triangular
from scipy.stats import norm

from pyvbmc.function_logger import FunctionLogger
from pyvbmc.variational_posterior import VariationalPosterior

from .abstract_acq_fcn import AbstractAcqFcn

[docs] class AcqFcnIMIQR(AbstractAcqFcn): r""" Integrated Median Interquantile Range (IMIQR) acquisition function. Approximates the Integrated Median Interquantile Range (IMIQR) via importance samples from the GP surrogate. """ def __init__(self, quantile=0.75): self.acq_info = {} self.acq_info["log_flag"] = True self.acq_info["importance_sampling"] = True self.acq_info["importance_sampling_vp"] = False self.acq_info["quantile"] = quantile self.u = norm.ppf(quantile) def _compute_acquisition_function( self, Xs: np.ndarray, vp: VariationalPosterior, gp: gpr.GP, function_logger: FunctionLogger, optim_state: dict, f_mu: np.ndarray, f_s2: np.ndarray, f_bar: None, var_tot: None, ): r""" Compute the value of the acquisition function. Parameters ---------- Xs : np.ndarray The coordinates at which to evaluate the acquisition function. Of shape ``(N, D)`` where ``D`` is the problem dimension. vp : VariationalPosterior The VP object. gp : gpyreg.GP The GP object. function_logger : FunctionLogger The object responsible for caching evaluations of the log-joint. optim_state : dict The dictionary describing PyVBMC's internal state. f_mu : np.ndarray A ``(N, Ns_gp)`` array of GP predictive means at the importance sampling points, where ``Ns_gp`` is the number of GP posterior hyperparameter samples. f_s2 : np.ndarray A ``(N, Ns_gp)`` array of GP predictive variances at the importance sampling points, where ``Ns_gp`` is the number of GP posterior hyperparameter samples. f_bar : None Unused for this acquisition function. var_tot : None Unused for this acquisition function. Raises ------ ValueError For choices of GP covariance function which are not implemented. Currently, only ``SquaredExponential`` covariance is implemented. """ # Xs is in *transformed* coordinates [Nx, D] = Xs.shape Ns_gp = f_mu.shape[1] # Estimate observation noise at test points from nearest neighbor. sn2 = super()._estimate_observation_noise(Xs, gp, optim_state) y_s2 = f_s2 + sn2.reshape(-1, 1) # Predictive variance at test points, # inclusive of observation noise. # Different importance sampling inputs for different GP # hyperparameters? multiple_inputs_flag = ( optim_state["active_importance_sampling"]["X"].ndim == 3 ) if multiple_inputs_flag: Na = optim_state["active_importance_sampling"]["X"].shape[1] Xa = np.zeros((Na, D)) else: Na = optim_state["active_importance_sampling"]["X"].shape[0] Xa = optim_state["active_importance_sampling"]["X"] # Compute acquisition function via importance sampling acq = np.zeros((Nx, Ns_gp)) cov_N = gp.covariance.hyperparameter_count(gp.D) for s in range(Ns_gp): cov_hyp = gp.posteriors[s].hyp[0:cov_N] # Covariance hyperparams L = gp.posteriors[s].L L_chol = gp.posteriors[s].L_chol sn2_eff = 1 / gp.posteriors[s].sW[0] ** 2 if multiple_inputs_flag: Xa[:, :] = optim_state["active_importance_sampling"]["X"][ s, :, : ] # Compute cross-kernel matrices if isinstance( gp.covariance, gpr.covariance_functions.SquaredExponential ): K_X_Xs = gp.covariance.compute(cov_hyp, gp.X, Xs) K_Xa_Xs = gp.covariance.compute(cov_hyp, Xa, Xs) K_Xa_X = optim_state["active_importance_sampling"]["K_Xa_X"][ s, :, : ] else: raise ValueError( "Covariance functions besides" + "SquaredExponential are not supported yet." ) if L_chol: C = ( K_Xa_Xs.T - K_X_Xs.T
[docs] @ solve_triangular( L, solve_triangular( L, K_Xa_X.T, trans=True, check_finite=False ), check_finite=False, ) / sn2_eff ) else: C = K_Xa_Xs.T + K_X_Xs.T @ (L @ K_Xa_X.T) tau2 = C**2 / y_s2[:, s].reshape(-1, 1) s_pred = np.sqrt( np.maximum( optim_state["active_importance_sampling"]["f_s2"][:, s].T - tau2, 0.0, ) ) ln_weights = optim_state["active_importance_sampling"][ "ln_weights" ][s, :] # zz = ln(weights * sinh(u * s_pred)) + C zz = ( ln_weights + self.u * s_pred + np.log1p(-np.exp(-2 * self.u * s_pred)) ) # logsumexp ln_max = np.amax(zz, axis=1) ln_max[ln_max == -np.inf] = 0.0 # Avoid -inf + inf acq[:, s] = ( np.log(np.sum(np.exp(zz - ln_max.reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1)) + ln_max ) if Ns_gp > 1: M = np.amax(acq, axis=1) M[M == -np.inf] = 0.0 # Avoid -inf + inf acq = M + np.log( np.sum(np.exp(acq - M.reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1) / Ns_gp ) return acq def is_log_base(self, x, **kwargs): r"""Importance sampling proposal log density, base part. The base density of the importance sampling proposal distribution, used for computing i.s. weights (in addition to the full proposal density). The full proposal log density is ``is_log_full = is_log_base + is_log_added``. IMIQR approximates an expectation w.r.t. to the (exponentiated) GP using importance sampling, so this base log density is the GP mean, ``f_mu``. Parameters ---------- f_mu : np.ndarray The gp posterior mean at the points of interest. Returns ------- f_mu : np.ndarray The log density of the target against which the i.s. expectation is taken. Here, just the log density as modeled by the GP. """ return kwargs["f_mu"]
[docs] def is_log_added(self, **kwargs): r"""Importance sampling proposal log density, added part. The added term in the importance sampling proposal log density: The full proposal log density is ``is_log_full = is_log_base + is_log_added``. Added part for VIQR/IMIQR is :math: `\\log [\\sinh(u * f_s)]``, where ``f_s`` is the GP predictive variance at the input points. Parameters ---------- f_s2 : np.ndarray The predicted posterior variance at the points of interest. Returns ------- y : np.ndarray The added log density term at the points of interest. """ f_s = np.sqrt(kwargs["f_s2"]) return self.u * f_s + np.log1p(-np.exp(-2 * self.u * f_s))
[docs] def is_log_full(self, x, **kwargs): r"""Importance sampling full proposal log density. The full proposal log density, used for MCMC sampling: ``is_log_full = is_log_base + is_log_added``. Parameters ---------- f_mu : np.ndarray The gp posterior mean at the points of interest. Either [``f_s2`` and ``f_mu``] or ``gp`` must be provided. f_s2 : np.ndarray, optional The predicted posterior variance at the points of interest. Either [``f_s2`` and ``f_mu``] or ``gp`` must be provided. gp : gpyreg.GaussianProcess, optional The GP modeling the log-density. Either [``f_s2`` and ``f_mu``] or ``gp`` must be provided. Returns ------- y : np.ndarray The full log density of the importance sampling proposal distribution at the points of interest. Of the same shape as ``f_s2``. Raises ------ ValueError If [``f_s2`` or ``f_mu``] are not provided, and ``gp`` is not provided. """ f_mu = kwargs.pop("f_mu", None) f_s2 = kwargs.pop("f_s2", None) if f_mu is None or f_s2 is None: # Try to get pre-computed f_mu/s2 gp = kwargs.get("gp") if gp is None: # Otherwise use GP to predict raise ValueError( "Must provide gp as keyword argument if f_mu/f_s2 are not" + "provided." ) f_mu, f_s2 = gp.predict(np.atleast_2d(x), add_noise=True) return self.is_log_base( x, f_mu=f_mu, f_s2=f_s2, **kwargs ) + self.is_log_added(f_mu=f_mu, f_s2=f_s2, **kwargs)