Source code for pybads.bads.options

# for annotating Options as input of itself
from __future__ import annotations

import configparser
from import MutableMapping

import numpy as np

[docs] class Options(MutableMapping, dict): """ This class is responsible for Options. Parameters ---------- default_options_path : str The path to default options that can be overwritten by the user. evaluation_parameters : dict Parameters used to evaluate the options. user_options : dict User defined values to overwrite default options. Attributes ---------- user_options : set This set contains all options that have set by the user, if there are none it is empty. These ``useroptions`` are immutable to changes using :py:meth:`load_options_file`. """ def __init__( self, default_options_path: str, evaluation_parameters: dict = None, user_options: dict = None, ): """ Initialize the options using default options and specified options from the user. """ super().__init__() self.descriptions = dict() self["useroptions"] = set() # load options from file self.load_options_file(default_options_path, evaluation_parameters) # User options if user_options is not None: self.update(user_options) self["useroptions"].update(user_options.keys())
[docs] @classmethod def init_from_existing_options( cls, default_options_path: str, evaluation_parameters: dict = None, other: Options = None, ): """ Initialize an options instance using default options and another options instance. Only the user-definied options from the other object will overwrite the default options. Everything else will come from the default options. Parameters ---------- default_options_path : str The path to default options that can be overwritten by the user. evaluation_parameters : dict Parameters used to evaluate the options. other : Options User defined values to overwrite default options. Returns ------- new_options : Options The new options object with the values merged as described above. """ if other is None: user_options = None else: user_option_keys = other.get("useroptions") user_options = {k: other.get(k) for k in user_option_keys} new_options = cls( default_options_path, evaluation_parameters, user_options ) return new_options
[docs] def load_options_file( self, options_path: str, evaluation_parameters: dict = None ): """ Load options from an ini file and evaluate them using the specified ``evaluation_parameters``. Note that strings starting with # in the .ini file act as description to the option in the following line. Parameters ---------- options_path : str The path to an options ini file that should be loaded. evaluation_parameters : dict, optional Parameters used to evaluate the options. """ # evaluation_parameters for key, val in evaluation_parameters.items(): global_scope = globals() exec(f"{key} = {val}", global_scope) options_list = _read_config_file(options_path) for (key, value, description) in options_list: if key not in self.get("useroptions") and key != "useroptions": self[key] = eval(value) self.descriptions[key] = description
[docs] def validate_option_names(self, options_paths: list): """ Check that ini files specified by the list of ``options_paths`` contain the option names from this options object at least once. Note that this method checks not if there are option names in files that are not in the object. Parameters ---------- options_paths : list of str A list of paths to ini files can contain the allowed option names. Raises ------ ValueError Raised when an option exists in this object but not in one of the specified ini files. """ # create set of option names from all ini files file_option_names = set() for options_path in options_paths: file_option_names.update( _read_config_file(options_path)[:, 0].flatten() ) for key in self.keys(): if key != "useroptions" and key not in file_option_names: raise ValueError("The option {} does not exist.".format(key))
def __setitem__(self, key, val): dict.__setitem__(self, key, val) def __getitem__(self, key): return dict.__getitem__(self, key) def __iter__(self): yield from sorted(dict.__iter__(self)) def __len__(self): return dict.__len__(self) def __delitem__(self, key): return dict.__delitem__(self, key)
[docs] def eval(self, key: str, evaluation_parameters: dict): """ Evaluate an option using `evaluation_parameters` if it is a callable, otherwise return the value of the option. Parameters ---------- key : str The name of the option. evaluation_parameters : dict Parameters for the options in case it is a callable. These have to match the key arguments of the callable and are ignored if it is not a callable. Returns ------- val : object Value of the object which has been evaluated if it is a callable. """ if callable(self.get(key)): return self.get(key)(**evaluation_parameters) else: return self.get(key)
def __str__(self): """ Returns the options in a format key: value (description). Returns ------- str The str to describe an options object. """ return "".join( [ "{}: {} ({}) \n".format(k, v, str(self.descriptions.get(k))) for (k, v) in self.items() ] )
def _read_config_file(options_path: str): """ Private helper method to read a config file and return the options as a list of tuples (key, value, description). Note that strings starting with # in the .ini file act as description to the option in the following line. """ conf = configparser.ConfigParser(comment_prefixes="", allow_no_value=True) # do not lower() both values as well as descriptions conf.optionxform = str option_list = list() description = "" for section in conf.sections(): for (key, value) in conf.items(section): if "#" in key: description = key.strip("# ") else: option_list.append([key, value, description]) description = "" if len(option_list) == 0: raise ValueError( "The option file at {} does not contain options.".format( options_path ) ) return np.array(option_list)