PyBADS Example 3: Noisy objective function#

In this example, we will show how to run PyBADS on a noisy target.

This notebook is Part 3 of a series of notebooks in which we present various example usages for BADS with the PyBADS package. The code used in this example is available as a script here.

import numpy as np
from pybads import BADS

0. Noisy optimization#

PyBADS is also able to optimize noisy objective functions. A noisy (or stochastic) objective function is an objective that will return different results if evaluated twice at the same point \(\mathbf{x}\). Conversely, a non-noisy objective function is known as noiseless or deterministic. For example, noisy objectives are common in model fitting when the model is evaluated through simulation (e.g., via sampling aka Monte Carlo methods).

For a noisy objective, PyBADS aims to minimize the expected value of \(f(\mathbf{x})\):

\[ \mathbf{x}^\star = \arg\min_{\mathbf{x} \in \mathcal{X} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^D} \mathbb{E}\left[f(\mathbf{x})\right]. \]

1. Problem setup#

For this example, we take as target a quadratic function and we add i.i.d. Gaussian noise to it (noisy sphere). In a real case, the noise would arise from some stochastic process in the calculation of the target.

We also set here several options for the optimization:

  • We tell bads that the target is noisy by activating the uncertainty_handling option. This is not strictly needed, as bads can automatically detect if a target is noisy, but it is good practice to specify.

  • We also limit the number of function evaluations with max_fun_evals, knowing that this is a simple example. Generally, bads will tend to run for longer on noisy problems to better explore the noisy landscape.

  • Finally, we tell bads to re-evaluate the target at the returned solution with 100 samples via noise_final_samples (by default, noise_final_samples = 10, but since our function is inexpensive we can use more evaluations). These evaluations count towards the total budget of function evaluations max_fun_evals.

def noisy_sphere(x,sigma=1.0):
    """Simple quadratic function with added noise."""
    x_2d = np.atleast_2d(x)
    f = np.sum(x_2d**2, axis=1)
    noise = sigma*np.random.normal(size=x_2d.shape[0])
    return f + noise

x0 = np.array([-3, -3]);      # Starting point
lower_bounds = np.array([-5, -5])
upper_bounds = np.array([5, 5])
plausible_lower_bounds = np.array([-2, -2])
plausible_upper_bounds = np.array([2, 2])

options = {
    "uncertainty_handling": True,
    "max_fun_evals": 300,
    "noise_final_samples": 100

2. Run the optimization#

We run bads with the user-defined options.

bads = BADS(
    noisy_sphere, x0, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, plausible_lower_bounds, plausible_upper_bounds, options=options
optimize_result = bads.optimize()
Beginning optimization of a STOCHASTIC objective function

 Iteration    f-count      E[f(x)]        SD[f(x)]           MeshScale          Method              Actions
     0           1         17.0467             nan               1                                  
     0          33       -0.573104             nan               1          Initial mesh            Initial points
     0          37       -0.573104               1             0.5          Refine grid             Train
     1          45       -0.573104               1            0.25          Refine grid             Train
     2          46      -0.0875221        0.236985            0.25      Successful search (ES-wcm)        
     2          47       -0.133904        0.229856            0.25      Incremental search (ES-wcm)        
     2          51        -0.14124        0.205711            0.25      Incremental search (ES-ell)        
     2          53       -0.184658        0.196127            0.25      Incremental search (ES-ell)        
     2          57       -0.184658        0.196127           0.125          Refine grid             Train
     3          58       -0.113416        0.181841           0.125      Incremental search (ES-wcm)        
     3          59       -0.143424         0.17853           0.125      Incremental search (ES-wcm)        
     3          60       -0.153414        0.175473           0.125      Incremental search (ES-wcm)        
     3          65       -0.153414        0.175473          0.0625          Refine grid             
     4          73       -0.202447        0.162169         0.03125          Refine grid             
     5          77      -0.0930382        0.136617         0.03125      Successful search (ES-ell)        
     5          78      -0.0993084        0.139908         0.03125      Successful search (ES-ell)        
     5          79       -0.108523        0.138428         0.03125      Successful search (ES-ell)        
     5          80       -0.110481        0.137001         0.03125      Incremental search (ES-ell)        
     5          81       -0.116493        0.135622         0.03125      Successful search (ES-ell)        
     5          82       -0.119346        0.134247         0.03125      Incremental search (ES-wcm)        
     5          83       -0.126705        0.132937         0.03125      Successful search (ES-wcm)        
     5          93       -0.126705        0.132937        0.015625          Refine grid             Train
     6          94       -0.112421        0.115326        0.015625      Successful search (ES-ell)        
     6          95       -0.138253        0.114425        0.015625      Successful search (ES-wcm)        
     6         105       -0.138253        0.114425       0.0078125          Refine grid             
     7         106       -0.108284        0.103892       0.0078125      Incremental search (ES-wcm)        
     7         111       -0.110376        0.101127        0.015625        Successful poll           Train
     8         119      -0.0915521       0.0990537      0.00390625          Refine grid             Train
     9         127      -0.0813753       0.0944134     0.000976562          Refine grid             Train
    10         131       -0.037847       0.0890104     0.000976562      Successful search (ES-ell)        
    10         134      -0.0528433        0.089216     0.000976562      Successful search (ES-ell)        
    10         135      -0.0639539       0.0887966     0.000976562      Successful search (ES-ell)        
    10         143      -0.0639539       0.0887966     0.000488281          Refine grid             
    11         145      -0.0383948        0.084316     0.000488281      Successful search (ES-ell)        
    11         146      -0.0420733       0.0839543     0.000488281      Successful search (ES-ell)        
    11         147      -0.0479433       0.0835921     0.000488281      Successful search (ES-ell)        
    11         150      -0.0501619       0.0825213     0.000488281      Successful search (ES-wcm)        
    11         152      -0.0640664       0.0818386     0.000488281      Successful search (ES-wcm)        
    11         153      -0.0722405       0.0815143     0.000488281      Successful search (ES-wcm)        
    11         163      -0.0722405       0.0815143     0.000244141          Refine grid             
Optimization terminated: change in the function value less than options['tol_fun'].
Estimated function value at minimum: -0.04111370566211175 ± 0.09385579705318894 (mean ± SEM from 100 samples)

3. Results and conclusions#

First, note that in this case optimize_result['fval'] is the estimated function value at optimize_result['x'], obtained by taking the mean of options['noise_final_samples'] target evaluations (noise_final_samples = 10 by default, but here we used 100). The uncertainty of the value of the function at the returned solution, optimize_result['fsd'], is the standard error of the mean.

If needed, the final samples used to estimate fval and fsd can be found in optimize_result['yval_vec'].

x_min = optimize_result['x']
fval = optimize_result['fval']
fsd = optimize_result['fsd']

print(f"BADS minimum at: x_min = {x_min.flatten()}, fval (estimated) = {fval:.4g} +/- {fsd:.2g}")
print(f"total f-count: {optimize_result['func_count']}, time: {round(optimize_result['total_time'], 2)} s")
print(f"final evaluations (shape): {optimize_result['yval_vec'].shape}")
BADS minimum at: x_min = [-0.0268445   0.00389814], fval (estimated) = -0.04111 +/- 0.094
total f-count: 264, time: 5.38 s
final evaluations (shape): (100,)

We can also check the ground-truth value of the target function at the returned point once we remove the noise:

print(f"The true, noiseless value of f(x_min) is {noisy_sphere(x_min,sigma=0)[0]:.3g}.")
The true, noiseless value of f(x_min) is 0.000736.

Compare this to the true global minimum of the sphere function at \(\textbf{x}^\star = [0,0]\), where \(f^\star = 0\).


  • While PyBADS can handle noisy targets, it cannot handle arbitrarily large noise.

  • PyBADS will work best if the standard deviation of the objective function \(\sigma\), when evaluated in the vicinity of the global solution, is small with respect to changes in the objective function itself (that is, there is a good signal-to-noise ratio). In many cases, \(\sigma \approx 1\) or less should work (this is the default assumption). If you approximately know the magnitude of the noise in the vicinity of the solution, you can help BADS by specifying it in advance (set options["noise_size"] = sigma_est, where sigma_est is your estimate of the standard deviation).

  • If the noise around the solution is too large, PyBADS will perform poorly. In that case, we recommend to increase the precision of your computation of the objective (e.g., by drawing more Monte Carlo samples) such that \(\sigma \approx 1\) or even lower, as needed by your problem. Note that the noise farther away from the solution can be larger, and this is usually okay.

  • In this example, we assumed the amount of noise in each target evaluation is unknown. If instead you can estimate the magnitude of the noise for each evaluation, see the next example notebook.

  • For more information on optimizing noisy objective functions, see the BADS wiki: (this link points to the MATLAB wiki, but many of the questions and answers apply to PyBADS as well).