Contributing Guide


Chengkun Li


November 6, 2024


November 13, 2024

Here are the detailed steps to ensure a smooth workflow. It’s simply editting the .qmd file and making pull requests on GitHub. So don’t be scared 😉.

Steps to Contribute

  1. Fork the Repository
    Visit the handbook repository and click on “Fork” to create a copy of the repository under your GitHub account.

  2. Clone the Repository
    Clone your fork to your local machine:

    git clone
    cd handbook
  3. Create a New Branch
    Before making changes, create a new branch to keep your work organized:

    git checkout -b your-branch-name
  4. Add or Modify Content

    • Write or edit a (q)markdown file as needed.
    • If you’re adding a new chapter, create a new .qmd file, then include it under the book: chapters: field in _quarto.yml. For example:
         - index.qmd
         - part: Python tools
           - your-new-chapter.qmd
  5. Preview Locally

    To see your changes before pushing, build and preview the book locally. You could use for example VSCode as the editor and Quarto has a VSCode plugin to help preview the book website locally, see instructions here.

    Or make sure you have Quarto installed, then run in bash terminal:

    quarto preview

    This will open a live preview in your browser where you can verify your changes.

  6. Commit and Push Changes
    After making sure your changes look good, commit and push them to your fork:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Brief description of your changes"
    git push origin your-branch-name
  7. Make a Pull Request
    Go to the original handbook repository and open a Pull Request from your branch. Provide a brief summary of your changes and mention any specific details reviewers should be aware of.

Additional Resources

For more advanced features and customization options, please refer to the Quarto documentation.